Under vurdering

WCF Host/Endpoint Support

Victor Rocha 9 år siden i Server / Resources opdateret af anonymous 8 år siden 7

Are you planning to support (host) WCF services?

I mean, give to user the ability to load a DLL dynamically and host it (endpoint) within Warewolf ESB to be accessed by Warewolf and any other WCF client? Is it possible?


  • 1 - Load DLL - WCFHelloService.IHelloServiceBus - (Contract - mapping methods dynamically)

  • 2 - Host it:
using System.ServiceModel;
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(HelloServiceBus), uri);

  • 3 - Turns it available as a WCF's endpoint (Some binding types) to be consumed by any WCF client and Warewolf ESB:

<service name="WCFHelloService.HelloServiceBus">
<endpoint address="net.tcp://warewolfendpoint/HelloService" binding="netTcpBinding" contract="WCFHelloService.IHelloServiceBus"/>
I believe, if it is possible, that WCF hosting will give much more integration capabilities, enabling users to concentrate all its WCF services into Warewolf ESB.
Best regards!
anonymous 8 år siden

Hi Victor,

Warewolf ESB currently allows connecting to webservices as well as loading of .net dll so both these methods are options to access an existing WCF service.



VB DLLs and Objects

Justin Blaauw 9 år siden i Studio / Sources opdateret af Gandalf 8 år siden 2
I am fairly new to the Microsoft experience, but was wondering if the DLLs have to be C# or can they be VB to use in Warewolf? Can I create objects in the DLL and access them from Warewolf ?

Warewolf Installation stuck

Anonym 9 år siden i Installer opdateret af anonymous 9 år siden 16

Warewolf installation stuck at starting Warewolf server on Pre Install tick.with process bar 90% complete.
OS , Windows 7 32 Bit


HTML Support in Email Body

Jacques Zwiegelaar 9 år siden opdateret af Gandalf 8 år siden 4
Howto add HTML to the body of an email.
Gandalf 8 år siden

Done. Functionality released in version



Connecting Studio to Server

Anonym 9 år siden i Studio opdateret af anonymous 9 år siden 9

I have downloaded the source code and currently have the server and studio running in visual studio. The problem I am having is that the studio can't find the server and throws an error. Do you have any advise to over come this issue.


studio server

Client Connector

Anonym 9 år siden i Studio / Toolbox opdateret af Gandalf 8 år siden 4
I read that you use SignalR for communication between the server and studio. Are there any plans on using SignalR to create a Client Connector+Source Tool so that we can push content to or message connected client apps?

tool studio
Ikke en bug

Recursive Evaluation

Anonym 9 år siden i Studio / Variables opdateret af Gandalf 8 år siden 5
After reading about how the Datalist caters to recursive evaluation I thought this was interesting and wanted to try it out.
From the technical documentation page:
"i.e. [[hello[[world]]]] would be recursively evaluated as [[hellobob]] where [[world]] had the value of “bob” and then [[hellobob]] as “my name is bob” where [[hellobob]] had the value “my name is bob” stored in it.

I decided to test this out myself. I created a variable [[hellobob]] and assigned the string "my name is bob" Then I created a variable [[world]] and assigned "bob". Finally I created a variable [[result]] and assigned [[hello[[world]]]]. To my disappointment I received a parse error.

I went back and added the variable [[hello]] and assigned "hello"
And then changed my assignment of [[result]] to [[[[hello]][[world]]]]
This produced the expected result. In the debug window it read my assignment as Variable [[result]] = New Value [[hellobob]] with the string "my name is bob" as its value.

I don't know if this is technically a bug since it did behave in a recursive manner when I tried the second time, but perhaps the documentation is wrong. When I set [[result]] to [[hello [[world]]]] It returned [[hello bob]] an unassigned variable. But with no space there, [[hello[[world]]]] results in a parse error.

wcf support

Anonym 9 år siden i Studio / Services opdateret af Gandalf 8 år siden 4
It would be great to get native support of wcf services that haven't got WebGet mapping

Copy services/workflows between computers

Anonym 9 år siden opdateret af Robin 9 år siden 2
First off great product! It has made learning about SOA using an ESB very fun. I think I already know the answer to my question but I'm wondering if there's a way to copy services/workflows between computers. I read about the need to be connected to a different server in order to deploy to it. My question comes about because I work on a lot of my application projects at work and home and I typically use a drop box to pass my project files from one place to the next. Is there anyway I can do that with my work in Warewolf? Thanks!
Gandalf 9 år siden
Heres a good place to start in the repository or to understand how it all works:
https://github.com/Warewolf-ESB/Warewolf-ESB/blob/development-stable/Dev/Example Shipper/Example Shipper/Program.cs

Service governance and SSO authentication

Anonym 9 år siden opdateret af Gandalf 8 år siden 3
Hi guys
Does your ESB have Service governance tools and SSO authentication support?

Kundesupport af UserEcho