Need Support on Below Things

Sai Chawan 2 months ago in Azure 0
  1. Warwolf-Counters are not present when container is started. We counters and warwolf automatically started need when container started.
  2. warewolf image also large in size, we need to reduce the size of warwwolf image for quick download in deployment process and auto-scaling activity.
  3. We need log for license activation or a command like getserverversion to check the license is activated or not.
  4. For running custom-powershell script we are not deploying StartasService.ps1 as ENTRYPOINT, so there are no logs, need to find other way to get those warewolf logs up.
azure debug deploy service workflow

Trouble calling web service

Leigh 7 years ago in Azure updated by Grommit 6 years ago 4

I am currently trying to review your product but encountering a problem being able to call the webservice from another PC (Not localhost) Whereby I am receiving an authentication logon box. How do I configure the webserver for this product to use Anonymous connections. I have installed this on an Azure VM and have opened the firewall and added the network group security in Azure. (In IIS I would be looking at Authentication config, but there seems to be no interface for managing this, or at least one I have found)

Thanks in advance

Grommit 6 years ago

Glad to hear it is working for you now.


Is Windows Azure cspack.exe open source?

Nicole Wells 7 years ago in Azure updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Hello Experts,

I'm trying to pack my Java Azure project in Mac and I cannot find the source code for cspack.exe. So far, I've managed to run Azure Eclipse plugin and successfully created a project but when trying to deploy it cannot run cspack.exe. I've downloaded Windows Microsoft Azure Tools and seen CsPack.cs up to the following lines

// Run CsPack to generate the package
  new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(AzureSdkBinDirectory, Resources.CsPackExe),
    args), out standardOutput, out standardError);

And I don't really know if this component it's open source or not. If cspack.exe is proprietary, is there any way to simulate cspack.exe. I know it compresses the project to a zip file but I could use any documentation.

Help me on this !


azure tool