
Save new db service []

Anonymous 11 years ago in Studio updated by Gandalf 11 years ago 0

Inform the user that they cannot save if the name contains [] - I copied the proc name to use as the db service name [Policy].[Proc_Get_LUCAuditType_Detail_By_PolicyNo] and couldn't save because of the [ ]

service database
Gandalf 11 years ago

This is fixed, and ready to ship in the new build - Thanks.

We took out the ability to input characters that cant be used in the save as well as provided some visual text cues to make it simpler.


Double click db service

Anonymous 11 years ago in Studio updated by Gandalf 11 years ago 0

When I double click a db service, it is presented in an isolated drill-down view. If i then go back to the workflow view the edit and mapping and settings buttons and 'Service working normally' are not displayed. 

i then double click on a decision and it brings it up to edit. Click cancel and then the db service edit and mapping buttons are now visible however the 'Service working normally' is out of alignment (shifted to the right). open up a decision again and cancel it and then the db service is presented correctly again with 'service working normally' in line with the rest of the db service box

Gandalf 11 years ago

We managed to get this sorted for everything in the next release except the For Each tool, which will be done in the subsequent release. 


Double click a db service

Anonymous 11 years ago in Studio updated by Gandalf 11 years ago 0

When I double click a db service is brings it up on a drilled down view but i can't edit anything? Whereas if I double click a decision it opens up for edit?

Gandalf 11 years ago

Yes, we have picked this up to. The drill down is being removed and in time the double click will do something more awesome. Thanks.


Database service Settings

Anonymous 11 years ago in Studio updated by Gandalf 11 years ago 0

When i click the 'settings' on an already created database service, I get a popup "Transfer datalist not found"

Gandalf 11 years ago

Yes, we have been getting ahead of ourselves. Watch this space. We will remove it for the next release, it is misleading.


Database service Edit Mapping

Anonymous 11 years ago in Studio updated by Gandalf 11 years ago 0


If I create a workflow which has a database service and click the 'mapping' edit button (top right of the db service in the flow) when i try click in the available fields the decision and connectors from the flow flash up and get in the way

Gandalf 11 years ago

Thanks, this is has been addressed in the new release.