
Human interaction / webpage

Chas Digal vor 11 Jahren in Server / Execution aktualisiert von Gandalf vor 10 Jahren 0

Front ends or webpages would be awesome.

Gandalf vor 10 Jahren
Yes, this is now in the pipeline!

View in browser not passing parameters from Querystring

Alex Hampel vor 11 Jahren in Server / Execution aktualisiert von Gandalf vor 11 Jahren 0

If I execute in debug mode it works correctly using an assign/passing in parameter values

if I use an assign just after start, it works correctly and returns the expected result in the browser

If I take out the assign and pass in the values in a querystring from the browser it appears as if they're not being passed through

Gandalf vor 11 Jahren

All done. You can now also add .json to the end of the service you are calling! Give it a try and let us know what you think.

PS You dont need to put the [[ ]] into the query string: ?FName=Alex&SName=Hampel