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Advance record set failing with character in data
Warewolf version :-
While using Advance recordset , it is giving us error whenever we use Singlequotes for example can't.
Giving error :- SQL logic error.
Convert numeric input into words
Hi Guys, I new please help I am trying to convert numeric values into words.
Password functionality in File Tools break after deployment
Good day,
We recently encountered an issue where the password functionality on the File tools break during deployment. It seems that the hard-coded password inside the tool gets "distorted" during the deployment process. We found that the only way to get it to work is by making the password field a [[variable]] inside the tool and to pass the actual password value from outside the tool - from Globals or an Assign tool.
Can this please be fixed?
Enhancement - Suspend Tool
Hi team,
I'd like to suggest a possible enhancement to the suspend tool. The functionality will be very valuable to the Journey team, but I'm sure that other teams may also find it valuable.
We'd like the ability to pass a DateTime field as an input on the Suspend tool. This will give us more control over the date and time that a workflow needs to be executed.
Please refer to the attached snip as an example:
This functionality already exists. The default option on the suspend tool: "Suspend Untill:" takes a datetime input.
Gate Tool - Can not see the old Gate Tool Name under the Failure Section.
I have added Two Gate Tool in attached workflow.
1) Gate Initilize
2) Gate End
However I am not able to see Gate initilizer name on Gate End Failure Section. Please find attached workflow for the same.
HTTP Post tool custom timeout input field
HTTP Post tool custom timeout input field
We are facing issue in HTTPPost tool when third party service returns response in more than 1.5 to 2 Minutes
Seems warewolf HTTPPost tool returns timeout and not able to handle such kind of long returned response
We would like if we have input option in HTTPTool similar to SQL Database tool itself to customize timeout of any request to handle response
Couldn't see Salesforce Destination in SSIS toolbox
I am trying to build the SSIS Salesforce package to connect Salesforce and load data into Salesforce but in SSIS toolbox, i can't see Salesforce Destination tool box, I also tried to add using Tools --> Choose Toolbox items and check marked SalesForceConnect under .NET Framework Components but still it's not showing. I am using SSDT -Sql server Data ToolBox 2015.
Please help.
I did not find the right solution from the Internet.
Online Video Production Studio
execute stored proc with out variable
I have successfully executed a stored procedure and returned a data set and pushed that data into a record set but I am not able to successfully execute a proc that returns a scalar. for example my proc takes in two input vars and returns one out var called @AccountExists :
@bck_id smallint,
@AccountExists bit OUT
Can any one help me or point me to a tutorial or article or something to figure out how to do it
Hi Thehseen,
Warewolf currently does not support the returning of out variables. If possible change the proc to return a table with one row and one column.
We are trying to work out what the best method is for allowing OUT variable return, the issue being that a proc could return multiple OUT variables as well as a table.
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