Your comments

As of version 59f5a5d6691d9af709ae3109c570420a77390ffd Warewolf.Driver.Resume is no longer a part of Server.sln. It looks like you were building C:\source\Warewolf\Dev\Server.sln but it could not build because of one error. That error was 'unable to find project'. That project as been removed from that solution.

Please download the latest version of the source code from The latest version right now is 72e487c3a6ac7fd6b7de083411ad1fdc2b8825fe.

You can also try compiling AcceptanceTesting.sln as Warewolf server is included in that solution.

Don't hesitate to get back to us, I would like compiling Warewolf to be as easy as possible, so I've re-opened this ticket.

EDIT: Added line breaks for readability.

Hi I'm Ashley, I do the versioning for Warewolf.

Could you do me a favour and post your server version? You should be able to get it from http://ipaddress:3142/services/GetServerVersion

Also, when did you log into the Azure VM for the first time? (Your version should be latest version as of that time)

If you could also find and post the server log file, it should be at %programfiles(x86)%\Warewolf\Server\warewolf-server.log

Thank you so much for raising this issue. And if you do get back to us thank you for doing us this huge favour.

EDIT: You might wanna send the server log file to instead of posting it here as it may contain sensitive information.

Can I also just add that it's the best environment for creating workflows within Windows. It's better than Visual Studio because you can drop other workflows into your workflow and the design surface is faster and looks better. It's also easier and simpler to execute and debug workflows thatn Visual Studio.