Date Time and Debug not correct

Hagashen Naidu 5 ár síðan í Server / Execution 0

Please see attached workflow. When passing the following JSON as input:

"dateTime": "2020-04-14T09:20:18.982Z"

Even though the JSON is valid and I have specified the DateTime Input Format correctly when I debug I get an error that the Input String is not in the correct format. However when I 'View in Browser' it does not show an error. Furthermore the debug input of the tool does not show the input due to the error.


Date Time Issue.bite

PS. I got this to work by making the input format my current system format as it turned out, internally the Newtonsoft de-serializer interprets the DateTime into the system format. This is however hidden from user and would be difficult to find.

I think showing the Debug Input values would help the user see what value was actually being used and then they could adjust the format based on that. There is a case for saying that the format should not have changed without me explicitly doing so.

tool execution