
Xpath expression support for xml with namespace prefix

Anonymous 9 years ago in Studio / Toolbox updated by Samurai Jack 9 years ago 11

Hi Team,

We are evaluating the different open source ESBs, as we started with Warewolf.
Please let us know, if you have namespace support on xpath utility you have in control/tool box.
We have xml content that uses, namespace as prefix with xml node/element name.
Please help us to construct Xpath expression for the same.


Under review

Hi Bala,

Firstly thank you for evaluating Warewolf. Can you please provide us with a sample of the XML you are wanting to use, as well as providing some detail as to what you are wanting to use the XPath tool to achieve. As much information as you can provide us will better help us answer your question.

Please feel free to ask any and all questions as well as your requirements for the evaluation you are performing.


Hi Team,

Thanks for quick reply,

Please download the wsdl file and try to extract info using the Xpath : //wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/wsdl:schema/@targetNamespace


This is just an example, that we are trying out.

basically we have to integrate with enterprise Web services that intensively use SOAP and REST APIs.





Hi Bala,

What output are you expecting or wanting to get? I tried your xpath and the xml from the URL in http://www.freeformatter.com/xpath-tester.html and it returned no matches.

You are able to use the Webservice functionality built into Warewolf to execute the SOAP and REST APIs. Please see the following knowledge base article: http://community.warewolf.io/topic/516322-using-external-web-services/

Please feel free to let us know if the above article does not provide the functionality that you are requiring.


Hi Team,

sorry, the Xpath expression was //wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/s:schema/@targetNamespace

just trying to read xml node/attribute values from SOAP response like messages for our PoC.

Could you please try with this xpath expression. and help us... thanks.




Hi Bala,

At present the XPath tool does not support namespaces, so will not be able to execute the XPath you are using. However if this is a requirement in order for you to choose Warewolf, then we can look at adding this functionality early in the new year.

Please let us know.


Hi Team,

yes... its mandatory to have.. since most of the Web services that we need to integrate, intensively use SOAP protocol... some of them are REST APIs use JSON.

Please let us know if you such namespace support in development-studio-Restyle branch available in https://github.com/Warewolf-ESB/Warewolf-ESB.




Hi Bala,

We are currently working on this and expect to have a solution by the end of the week.
