Your comments

Thank you, Ashley, for the detailed response.

  • I had changed Warewolf Server.exe to run as administrator right away, before starting for the first time.
  • I didn't see a mention of my IronPython issue, which was easy enough to solve, and perhaps most people don't have it.
  • I haven't yet tried to compile the Release, and probably won't until I get my COM issues resolved. Primarily, due to the fact that there is no filter function when selecting a class, it can take me up to five to fifteen minutes to select the Word Application class selected (just try scrolling through all those classes without hitting one by accident, thus having to deleted the dotnetdll and start all over again. I just scrolled through four hundred classes one by oneand had it bail on me, so I am, for moment waiting until I get a working example posted, requested elsewhere before I undertake this exercise again :)).

Filter, please! Thanks :)

Absolutely, I appreciate your help.

  • I compiled Warewolf from source on July 23, 2019, from the github repo. I don't see a version number.
  • I run Microsoft Office 16, so the version is 15.0.4797.1003

Regards, burque505

Hi Alberthan, I'm experiencing odd problems with MS Com objects, but I'm not certain that has anything to do with Warewolf or the version. I haven't noticed any instability yet, though, in general.

As far as installers, I've been meaning to try  SSESetup but haven't done it yet.

