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What APIs are currently available from WareWolf ESB?

Анонім 9 років тому оновлено Warewolf 8 років тому 5


What APIs are currently available from WareWolf ESB? Do you have an API/connector for SMTP, FTP, MS Dynamics AX?



Searching answer

Hi Farhan,

We currently are able to do email via SMTP and have file operation tools that support FTP, SFTP, UNC and Local filesystem. No MS Dynamics AX support as yet. We also have tooling to access MS Sql Server and MySQL databases, the ability to access webservices as well as .Net DLL's. Recently we added tooling for Sharepoint 2013 and Sharepoint Online lists.

What sort of tooling or functionality are you looking for?


Many thanks for sending this information. Happy to close this question.



Glad I could help. Please let us know if you require any further assistance.