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How API management suite at Warewolf works for the existing APIs?

Анонім 11 років тому оновлено Gandalf 11 років тому 1
Want to evaluate Warewolf as our future API Management Suite. Before that, I just wanted to know how the Warewolf product manages the already written APIs? Do they work as a proxy and relay the calls to the already written APIs? Or is it something else?


Є відповідь
Yes, if the API is written already, you would connect to it from Warewolf and then execute through there.'

This allows you to make mashups very quickly and keep a single bus responsible for the interfaces to your API's.
Є відповідь
Yes, if the API is written already, you would connect to it from Warewolf and then execute through there.'

This allows you to make mashups very quickly and keep a single bus responsible for the interfaces to your API's.