
Unload external dlls from the designer

Paul Cannell 11 years ago in Studio / Designer updated by Gandalf 9 years ago 2
I create a class library. I firstly discover that you cant return .Net basic types (string, int, bool etc) once I returned a class things were fine. Perhaps this needs to be in a hint :)
However in discovering this I rebuilt my dll a number of times. I couldnt copy it to the place I had referenced because warewolf has a handle to that DLL. Im assuming you host components like this in a separate appDomain so if you give me the ability to recycle that so I can do a build / deploy cycle without me having to shutdown warewolf would be great. If you can already do this and I just havnt figured out how, ... well then shame on me :)


Under review
Thanks Paul. We are looking into both your issues.
Under review
Thanks Paul. We are looking into both your issues.