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Anonymous 7 years ago in Studio updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1
Server Version : Studio Version : Email Address : edgarg@bisoft.com.mx Steps to follow : No Steps Provided en System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e) en System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent() en System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read() en System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace) en System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader) en System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml) en Dev2.Utilities.WorkflowHelper.AreWorkflowsEqual(String left, String right) en Dev2.Studio.ViewModels.Workflow.WorkflowDesignerViewModel.CheckServiceDefinition() en Dev2.Studio.ViewModels.Workflow.WorkflowDesignerViewModel.WdOnModelChanged(Object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) en System.Activities.Presentation.WorkflowDesigner.NotifyModelChanged() en System.Activities.Presentation.WorkflowDesigner.OnViewStateChanged(Object sender, ViewStateChangedEventArgs e) en System.Activities.Presentation.View.WorkflowViewStateService.RaiseUndoableViewStateChangedEvent(ModelItem modelItem, String key, Object newValue, Object oldValue) en System.Activities.Presentation.View.WorkflowViewStateService.ViewStateChange.Apply() en System.Activities.Presentation.Model.EditingScope.OnRevert(Boolean finalizing) en System.Activities.Presentation.Model.ModelEditingScope.Revert() en System.Activities.Presentation.Model.ModelEditingScope.Complete() en System.Activities.Presentation.DeleteHelper.Delete(EditingContext context) en System.Activities.Presentation.View.DesignerView.OnDeleteCommandExecute(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) en System.Windows.Input.CommandBinding.OnExecuted(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) en System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.ExecuteCommandBinding(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e, CommandBinding commandBinding) en System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.FindCommandBinding(CommandBindingCollection commandBindings, Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e, ICommand command, Boolean execute) en System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.FindCommandBinding(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e, ICommand command, Boolean execute) en System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.OnExecuted(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) en System.Windows.UIElement.OnExecutedThunk(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) en System.Windows.Input.ExecutedRoutedEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object target) en System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target) en System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) en System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted) en System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.ExecuteImpl(Object parameter, IInputElement target, Boolean userInitiated) en System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.ExecuteCore(Object parameter, IInputElement target, Boolean userInitiated) en System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.TranslateInput(IInputElement targetElement, InputEventArgs inputEventArgs) en System.Windows.UIElement.OnKeyDownThunk(Object sender, KeyEventArgs e) en System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget) en System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target) en System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) en System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted) en System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea() en System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input) en System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport) en System.Windows.Interop.HwndKeyboardInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawKeyboardActions actions, Int32 scanCode, Boolean isExtendedKey, Boolean isSystemKey, Int32 virtualKey) en System.Windows.Interop.HwndKeyboardInputProvider.ProcessKeyAction(MSG& msg, Boolean& handled) en System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.CriticalTranslateAccelerator(MSG& msg, ModifierKeys modifiers) en System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.OnPreprocessMessage(Object param) en System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) en System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Warewolf Studio log file : en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted) en System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.ExecuteImpl(Object parameter, IInputElement target, Boolean userInitiated) en System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.ExecuteCore(Object parameter, IInputElement target, Boolean userInitiated) en System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.TranslateInput(IInputElement targetElement, InputEventArgs inputEventArgs) en System.Windows.UIElement.OnKeyDownThunk(Object sender, KeyEventArgs e) en System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget) en System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target) en System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) en System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args) en System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted) en System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea() en System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input) en System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport) Warewolf Server log file : [Header] 2018-05-23 09:10:40,754 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider... 2018-05-23 09:10:40,845 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:10:43,165 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider... 2018-05-23 09:10:43,165 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:10:43,252 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Configure logging... 2018-05-23 09:10:43,270 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:10:43,342 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC... 2018-05-23 09:10:43,437 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:10:43,440 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog... 2018-05-23 09:10:43,758 WARN - [Warewolf Warn] - Error getting perf counters. Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto. 2018-05-23 09:10:45,543 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:10:55,898 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace... 2018-05-23 09:10:55,981 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - WorkspaceRepository System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Intento de deserializar una secuencia vacía. en System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream, HeaderHandler handler, Boolean fCheck, Boolean isCrossAppDomain, IMethodCallMessage methodCallMessage) en System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream) en Dev2.Workspaces.WorkspaceRepository.ReadUserMap() en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Runtime.Services\Workspaces\WorkspaceRepository.cs:línea 352 2018-05-23 09:10:56,048 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:10:56,149 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies... 2018-05-23 09:11:00,654 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:11:00,663 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache... 2018-05-23 09:11:00,793 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:11:05,262 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead 2018-05-23 09:11:05,265 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read 2018-05-23 09:11:05,550 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified 2018-05-23 09:11:05,550 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified 2018-05-23 09:11:05,551 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged 2018-05-23 09:11:05,551 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged 2018-05-23 09:11:05,551 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead 2018-05-23 09:11:05,794 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web Server Started 2018-05-23 09:11:05,795 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at http://*:3142/ 2018-05-23 09:11:05,795 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at https://*:3143/ 2018-05-23 09:11:05,797 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading test catalog... 2018-05-23 09:11:05,807 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done. 2018-05-23 09:11:05,808 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Press to terminate service and/or web server if started 2018-05-23 09:11:34,621 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:01:05.7489067 2018-05-23 09:12:34,652 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:02:05.7792420 2018-05-23 09:13:34,681 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:03:05.8089853 2018-05-23 09:14:34,703 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:04:05.8306520 2018-05-23 09:15:34,714 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:05:05.8411502 2018-05-23 09:16:34,725 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:06:05.8522754 2018-05-23 09:17:34,756 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:07:05.8836589 2018-05-23 09:18:34,786 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:08:05.9125240 2018-05-23 09:19:34,813 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:09:05.9407365 2018-05-23 09:20:34,825 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:10:05.9530406 2018-05-23 09:21:34,857 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:11:05.9831742 2018-05-23 09:22:34,883 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:12:06.0108463 2018-05-23 09:23:34,897 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:13:06.0248524 2018-05-23 09:24:34,927 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:14:06.0535236 2018-05-23 09:25:34,937 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:15:06.0648132 2018-05-23 09:26:34,979 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:16:06.1068991 2018-05-23 09:27:35,014 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:17:06.1407967 2018-05-23 09:28:35,042 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:18:06.1700350 2018-05-23 09:29:35,056 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:19:06.1837084 2018-05-23 09:30:35,067 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:20:06.1950041 2018-05-23 09:31:35,086 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:21:06.2132344 2018-05-23 09:32:35,116 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:22:06.2434375 2018-05-23 09:33:35,153 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:23:06.2810497 2018-05-23 09:34:35,183 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:24:06.3106679 2018-05-23 09:35:35,192 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:25:06.3199594 2018-05-23 09:36:35,203 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:26:06.3305805 2018-05-23 09:37:35,230 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:27:06.3581041 2018-05-23 09:38:35,265 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:28:06.3916779 2018-05-23 09:39:35,290 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:29:06.4179958 2018-05-23 09:40:35,317 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:30:06.4449118 2018-05-23 09:41:35,362 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:31:06.4882169 2018-05-23 09:42:35,388 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:32:06.5157988 2018-05-23 09:43:35,416 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:33:06.5434354 2018-05-23 09:44:35,441 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:34:06.5686416 2018-05-23 09:45:35,479 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:35:06.6064993 2018-05-23 09:46:35,526 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:36:06.6536139 2018-05-23 09:47:35,551 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:37:06.6787649 2018-05-23 09:48:35,591 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:38:06.7182016 2018-05-23 09:49:35,617 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:39:06.7450030 2018-05-23 09:50:35,642 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:40:06.7692293 2018-05-23 09:51:35,667 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:41:06.7941924 2018-05-23 09:52:35,692 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:42:06.8201153 2018-05-23 09:53:35,725 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:43:06.8527178 2018-05-23 09:54:35,772 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:44:06.8996489 2018-05-23 09:55:35,811 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:45:06.9378528 2018-05-23 09:56:35,865 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:46:06.9929022 2018-05-23 09:57:35,889 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:47:07.0165452 2018-05-23 09:58:35,917 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:48:07.0445050 2018-05-23 09:59:35,940 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:49:07.0668834 2018-05-23 10:00:35,967 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:50:07.0949839 2018-05-23 10:01:36,008 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:51:07.1361183 2018-05-23 10:02:36,037 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:52:07.1647463 2018-05-23 10:03:36,083 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:53:07.2105178 2018-05-23 10:04:36,106 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:54:07.2338540 2018-05-23 10:05:36,148 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:55:07.2749932 2018-05-23 10:06:36,193 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:56:07.3209505 2018-05-23 10:07:36,215 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:57:07.3425919 2018-05-23 10:08:36,252 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:58:07.3797227 2018-05-23 10:09:36,280 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 00:59:07.4073698 2018-05-23 10:10:36,303 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:00:07.4307235 2018-05-23 10:11:36,353 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:01:07.4803405 2018-05-23 10:12:36,398 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:02:07.5251458 2018-05-23 10:13:36,431 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:03:07.5583470 2018-05-23 10:14:36,453 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:04:07.5801614 2018-05-23 10:15:36,488 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:05:07.6161021 2018-05-23 10:16:36,511 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:06:07.6384424 2018-05-23 10:17:36,547 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:07:07.6745267 2018-05-23 10:18:36,619 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:08:07.7458325 2018-05-23 10:19:36,639 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:09:07.7663979 2018-05-23 10:20:36,678 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:10:07.8055734 2018-05-23 10:21:36,718 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:11:07.8453736 2018-05-23 10:22:36,736 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:12:07.8639806 2018-05-23 10:23:36,783 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:13:07.9108959 2018-05-23 10:24:36,807 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:14:07.9347036 2018-05-23 10:25:36,827 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:15:07.9543344 2018-05-23 10:26:36,871 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:16:07.9984444 2018-05-23 10:27:36,908 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:17:08.0351738 2018-05-23 10:28:36,943 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:18:08.0710861 2018-05-23 10:29:36,984 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:19:08.1114392 2018-05-23 10:30:37,004 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:20:08.1314894 2018-05-23 10:31:37,041 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:21:08.1672641 2018-05-23 10:32:37,061 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:22:08.1887994 2018-05-23 10:33:37,089 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:23:08.2165314 2018-05-23 10:34:37,111 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:24:08.2384209 2018-05-23 10:35:37,129 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:25:08.2568276 2018-05-23 10:36:37,151 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:26:08.2784236 2018-05-23 10:37:37,170 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:27:08.2972021 2018-05-23 10:38:37,708 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:28:08.8360527 2018-05-23 10:39:37,819 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:29:08.9463019 2018-05-23 10:40:38,065 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:30:09.1927991 2018-05-23 10:41:38,459 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:31:09.5867905 2018-05-23 10:42:38,561 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:32:09.6882183 2018-05-23 10:43:38,583 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:33:09.7102736 2018-05-23 10:44:38,612 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:34:09.7400622 2018-05-23 10:45:38,633 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:35:09.7605466 2018-05-23 10:46:38,675 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:36:09.8019930 2018-05-23 10:47:38,758 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:37:09.8851545 2018-05-23 10:48:38,807 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:38:09.9351035 2018-05-23 10:49:38,831 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:39:09.9585075 2018-05-23 10:50:38,892 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:40:10.0199730 2018-05-23 10:51:38,914 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:41:10.0417920 2018-05-23 10:52:40,352 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:42:11.4785028 2018-05-23 10:53:40,570 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:43:11.6964446 2018-05-23 10:54:40,619 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:44:11.7469090 2018-05-23 10:55:40,760 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:45:11.8874398 2018-05-23 10:56:40,791 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:46:11.9184007 2018-05-23 10:57:40,827 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:47:11.9547335 2018-05-23 10:58:40,844 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:48:11.9720717 2018-05-23 10:59:40,867 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:49:11.9942677 2018-05-23 11:00:41,013 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:50:12.1410728 2018-05-23 11:01:41,035 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 0 Time Taken(Ms): 0 Uptime: 01:51:12.1620065 2018-05-23 11:02:17,016 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchToolsService ] 2018-05-23 11:02:17,020 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ] 2018-05-23 11:02:17,413 DEBUG - [f74906ed-2299-4986-99cb-3a7d8618bf6b] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:02:17,413 DEBUG - [f74906ed-2299-4986-99cb-3a7d8618bf6b] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:02:17,413 DEBUG - [4c9abc0d-34a4-4273-b44e-395354ce21ec] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:02:17,413 DEBUG - [4c9abc0d-34a4-4273-b44e-395354ce21ec] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:02:17,488 DEBUG - [f74906ed-2299-4986-99cb-3a7d8618bf6b] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:02:17,488 DEBUG - [4c9abc0d-34a4-4273-b44e-395354ce21ec] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:02:17,504 DEBUG - [4c9abc0d-34a4-4273-b44e-395354ce21ec] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:02:17,504 DEBUG - [f74906ed-2299-4986-99cb-3a7d8618bf6b] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:02:17,505 DEBUG - [4c9abc0d-34a4-4273-b44e-395354ce21ec] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:02:17,505 DEBUG - [f74906ed-2299-4986-99cb-3a7d8618bf6b] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:02:17,505 DEBUG - [4c9abc0d-34a4-4273-b44e-395354ce21ec] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:02:17,505 DEBUG - [f74906ed-2299-4986-99cb-3a7d8618bf6b] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:02:18,090 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read 2018-05-23 11:02:19,844 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetServerVersion ] 2018-05-23 11:02:19,946 DEBUG - [53601c6e-1d49-45e2-a136-4c1534c9a2ab] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:02:19,946 DEBUG - [53601c6e-1d49-45e2-a136-4c1534c9a2ab] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:02:19,947 DEBUG - [53601c6e-1d49-45e2-a136-4c1534c9a2ab] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:02:19,947 DEBUG - [53601c6e-1d49-45e2-a136-4c1534c9a2ab] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:02:19,947 DEBUG - [53601c6e-1d49-45e2-a136-4c1534c9a2ab] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:02:19,947 DEBUG - [53601c6e-1d49-45e2-a136-4c1534c9a2ab] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:02:20,105 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindSourcesByType ] 2018-05-23 11:02:20,126 DEBUG - [86512f16-050c-46dd-8ab7-f8cd52edbeb0] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:02:20,126 DEBUG - [86512f16-050c-46dd-8ab7-f8cd52edbeb0] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:02:20,126 DEBUG - [86512f16-050c-46dd-8ab7-f8cd52edbeb0] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:02:20,126 DEBUG - [86512f16-050c-46dd-8ab7-f8cd52edbeb0] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:02:20,126 DEBUG - [86512f16-050c-46dd-8ab7-f8cd52edbeb0] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:02:20,126 DEBUG - [86512f16-050c-46dd-8ab7-f8cd52edbeb0] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:02:20,359 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Find Sources By Type. Dev2Server 2018-05-23 11:02:21,271 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchExplorerItemsService ] 2018-05-23 11:02:21,308 DEBUG - [b99a4b74-149c-4546-a2a2-133db2a6cb9f] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:02:21,308 DEBUG - [b99a4b74-149c-4546-a2a2-133db2a6cb9f] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:02:21,309 DEBUG - [b99a4b74-149c-4546-a2a2-133db2a6cb9f] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:02:21,310 DEBUG - [b99a4b74-149c-4546-a2a2-133db2a6cb9f] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:02:21,310 DEBUG - [b99a4b74-149c-4546-a2a2-133db2a6cb9f] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:02:21,310 DEBUG - [b99a4b74-149c-4546-a2a2-133db2a6cb9f] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:02:21,355 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Explorer Items 2018-05-23 11:02:33,537 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDuplicates ] 2018-05-23 11:02:33,556 DEBUG - [14e132f2-cd92-4483-95de-30f2441f2236] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:02:33,556 DEBUG - [14e132f2-cd92-4483-95de-30f2441f2236] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:02:33,557 DEBUG - [14e132f2-cd92-4483-95de-30f2441f2236] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:02:33,557 DEBUG - [14e132f2-cd92-4483-95de-30f2441f2236] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:02:33,557 DEBUG - [14e132f2-cd92-4483-95de-30f2441f2236] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:02:33,557 DEBUG - [14e132f2-cd92-4483-95de-30f2441f2236] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:02:34,045 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Duplicate ResourcesError 2018-05-23 11:02:41,053 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 3 Number of Requests: 6 Time Taken(Ms): 2574 Uptime: 01:52:12.1801270 2018-05-23 11:03:41,065 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 3 Number of Requests: 6 Time Taken(Ms): 2574 Uptime: 01:53:12.1930965 2018-05-23 11:04:41,084 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 3 Number of Requests: 6 Time Taken(Ms): 2574 Uptime: 01:54:12.2120230 2018-05-23 11:05:41,090 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 3 Number of Requests: 6 Time Taken(Ms): 2574 Uptime: 01:55:12.2180990 2018-05-23 11:06:41,111 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 3 Number of Requests: 6 Time Taken(Ms): 2574 Uptime: 01:56:12.2383443 2018-05-23 11:07:22,553 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ] 2018-05-23 11:07:22,564 DEBUG - [39923743-bb3f-4686-b090-45f3bbf7b8a8] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:07:22,564 DEBUG - [39923743-bb3f-4686-b090-45f3bbf7b8a8] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:07:22,573 DEBUG - [39923743-bb3f-4686-b090-45f3bbf7b8a8] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:07:22,573 DEBUG - [39923743-bb3f-4686-b090-45f3bbf7b8a8] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:07:22,573 DEBUG - [39923743-bb3f-4686-b090-45f3bbf7b8a8] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:07:22,573 DEBUG - [39923743-bb3f-4686-b090-45f3bbf7b8a8] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:07:22,639 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 2018-05-23 11:07:24,729 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:07:24,793 DEBUG - [69dffe58-f005-4e71-8aa3-a900033321ee] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:07:24,793 DEBUG - [69dffe58-f005-4e71-8aa3-a900033321ee] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:07:24,794 DEBUG - [69dffe58-f005-4e71-8aa3-a900033321ee] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:07:24,794 DEBUG - [69dffe58-f005-4e71-8aa3-a900033321ee] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:07:24,794 DEBUG - [69dffe58-f005-4e71-8aa3-a900033321ee] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:07:24,794 DEBUG - [69dffe58-f005-4e71-8aa3-a900033321ee] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:07:24,862 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:07:24,894 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:07:24,969 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:07:24,978 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:07:24,978 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:07:24,980 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:07:24,998 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:07:40,440 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbSources ] 2018-05-23 11:07:40,458 DEBUG - [934520f5-fb50-4e77-8abc-44c6d4d71637] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:07:40,458 DEBUG - [934520f5-fb50-4e77-8abc-44c6d4d71637] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:07:40,459 DEBUG - [934520f5-fb50-4e77-8abc-44c6d4d71637] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:07:40,459 DEBUG - [934520f5-fb50-4e77-8abc-44c6d4d71637] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:07:40,459 DEBUG - [934520f5-fb50-4e77-8abc-44c6d4d71637] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:07:40,459 DEBUG - [934520f5-fb50-4e77-8abc-44c6d4d71637] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:07:41,126 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 9 Time Taken(Ms): 2985 Uptime: 01:57:12.2522037 2018-05-23 11:08:14,148 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetComputerNamesService ] 2018-05-23 11:08:14,166 DEBUG - [9486cdbc-57f2-41b7-aaea-c566feb240d5] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:08:14,166 DEBUG - [9486cdbc-57f2-41b7-aaea-c566feb240d5] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:08:14,166 DEBUG - [9486cdbc-57f2-41b7-aaea-c566feb240d5] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:08:14,166 DEBUG - [9486cdbc-57f2-41b7-aaea-c566feb240d5] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:08:14,167 DEBUG - [9486cdbc-57f2-41b7-aaea-c566feb240d5] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:08:14,167 DEBUG - [9486cdbc-57f2-41b7-aaea-c566feb240d5] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:08:14,353 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Get Computer Names 2018-05-23 11:08:15,207 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:08:15,221 DEBUG - [e58e0365-3041-4f98-89b7-c328507c1cf0] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:08:15,221 DEBUG - [e58e0365-3041-4f98-89b7-c328507c1cf0] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:08:15,221 DEBUG - [e58e0365-3041-4f98-89b7-c328507c1cf0] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:08:15,221 DEBUG - [e58e0365-3041-4f98-89b7-c328507c1cf0] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:08:15,221 DEBUG - [e58e0365-3041-4f98-89b7-c328507c1cf0] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:08:15,221 DEBUG - [e58e0365-3041-4f98-89b7-c328507c1cf0] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:08:15,243 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:08:15,244 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:08:15,252 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:15,253 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:15,253 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:15,253 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:17,104 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:26,476 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbSourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:08:26,496 DEBUG - [2b15e341-f2ab-4a5c-8ff4-a00f7127466d] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:08:26,496 DEBUG - [2b15e341-f2ab-4a5c-8ff4-a00f7127466d] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:08:26,496 DEBUG - [2b15e341-f2ab-4a5c-8ff4-a00f7127466d] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:08:26,496 DEBUG - [2b15e341-f2ab-4a5c-8ff4-a00f7127466d] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:08:26,497 DEBUG - [2b15e341-f2ab-4a5c-8ff4-a00f7127466d] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:08:26,497 DEBUG - [2b15e341-f2ab-4a5c-8ff4-a00f7127466d] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:08:26,579 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 11:08:35,045 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbSourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:08:35,071 DEBUG - [09a12333-b232-479a-a59e-1938470d52bd] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:08:35,071 DEBUG - [09a12333-b232-479a-a59e-1938470d52bd] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:08:35,071 DEBUG - [09a12333-b232-479a-a59e-1938470d52bd] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:08:35,071 DEBUG - [09a12333-b232-479a-a59e-1938470d52bd] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:08:35,071 DEBUG - [09a12333-b232-479a-a59e-1938470d52bd] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:08:35,071 DEBUG - [09a12333-b232-479a-a59e-1938470d52bd] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:08:35,086 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 11:08:41,141 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 5 Number of Requests: 13 Time Taken(Ms): 6472 Uptime: 01:58:12.2682551 2018-05-23 11:08:50,447 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbSourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:08:50,471 DEBUG - [b56e19cb-41c5-43d9-8d9c-b16f6d7f3168] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:08:50,471 DEBUG - [b56e19cb-41c5-43d9-8d9c-b16f6d7f3168] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:08:50,471 DEBUG - [b56e19cb-41c5-43d9-8d9c-b16f6d7f3168] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:08:50,471 DEBUG - [b56e19cb-41c5-43d9-8d9c-b16f6d7f3168] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:08:50,471 DEBUG - [b56e19cb-41c5-43d9-8d9c-b16f6d7f3168] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:08:50,471 DEBUG - [b56e19cb-41c5-43d9-8d9c-b16f6d7f3168] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:08:50,496 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 11:08:55,806 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:08:55,817 DEBUG - [afbd7986-28a6-4756-8d2e-aa50de1f31b8] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:08:55,817 DEBUG - [afbd7986-28a6-4756-8d2e-aa50de1f31b8] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:08:55,817 DEBUG - [afbd7986-28a6-4756-8d2e-aa50de1f31b8] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:08:55,817 DEBUG - [afbd7986-28a6-4756-8d2e-aa50de1f31b8] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:08:55,817 DEBUG - [afbd7986-28a6-4756-8d2e-aa50de1f31b8] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:08:55,817 DEBUG - [afbd7986-28a6-4756-8d2e-aa50de1f31b8] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:08:55,830 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:08:55,831 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:08:55,845 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:55,845 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:55,845 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:55,845 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:55,886 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:08:56,830 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbSources ] 2018-05-23 11:08:56,841 DEBUG - [9b6987db-6108-4853-957b-05572b915264] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:08:56,841 DEBUG - [9b6987db-6108-4853-957b-05572b915264] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:08:56,841 DEBUG - [9b6987db-6108-4853-957b-05572b915264] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:08:56,841 DEBUG - [9b6987db-6108-4853-957b-05572b915264] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:08:56,841 DEBUG - [9b6987db-6108-4853-957b-05572b915264] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:08:56,841 DEBUG - [9b6987db-6108-4853-957b-05572b915264] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:09:03,023 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:09:03,039 DEBUG - [76ba29ba-47d6-4d98-9b78-df1477653ac9] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:09:03,039 DEBUG - [76ba29ba-47d6-4d98-9b78-df1477653ac9] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:09:03,040 DEBUG - [76ba29ba-47d6-4d98-9b78-df1477653ac9] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:09:03,040 DEBUG - [76ba29ba-47d6-4d98-9b78-df1477653ac9] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:09:03,040 DEBUG - [76ba29ba-47d6-4d98-9b78-df1477653ac9] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:09:03,040 DEBUG - [76ba29ba-47d6-4d98-9b78-df1477653ac9] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:09:03,060 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:09:03,061 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:09:03,082 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:09:03,082 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:09:03,082 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:09:03,082 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:09:03,098 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:09:31,382 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbSourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:09:31,404 DEBUG - [939dd830-0a46-426b-8fe8-30db25a7592b] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:09:31,404 DEBUG - [939dd830-0a46-426b-8fe8-30db25a7592b] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:09:31,404 DEBUG - [939dd830-0a46-426b-8fe8-30db25a7592b] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:09:31,404 DEBUG - [939dd830-0a46-426b-8fe8-30db25a7592b] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:09:31,404 DEBUG - [939dd830-0a46-426b-8fe8-30db25a7592b] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:09:31,404 DEBUG - [939dd830-0a46-426b-8fe8-30db25a7592b] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:09:31,439 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 11:09:41,157 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 3 Number of Requests: 18 Time Taken(Ms): 6840 Uptime: 01:59:12.2849244 2018-05-23 11:10:12,451 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveDbSourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:10:12,493 DEBUG - [beb94c4e-ff8b-4356-b708-aedb83a06c0b] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:12,493 DEBUG - [beb94c4e-ff8b-4356-b708-aedb83a06c0b] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:12,495 DEBUG - [beb94c4e-ff8b-4356-b708-aedb83a06c0b] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:12,496 DEBUG - [beb94c4e-ff8b-4356-b708-aedb83a06c0b] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:12,496 DEBUG - [beb94c4e-ff8b-4356-b708-aedb83a06c0b] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:12,496 DEBUG - [beb94c4e-ff8b-4356-b708-aedb83a06c0b] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:12,629 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:10:12,730 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:10:12,730 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:10:12,730 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:10:12,730 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:10:12,732 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:10:12,864 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ] 2018-05-23 11:10:12,877 DEBUG - [3d6a2925-d683-4ced-8718-d1edda7b338a] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:12,877 DEBUG - [3d6a2925-d683-4ced-8718-d1edda7b338a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:12,877 DEBUG - [3d6a2925-d683-4ced-8718-d1edda7b338a] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:12,877 DEBUG - [3d6a2925-d683-4ced-8718-d1edda7b338a] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:12,877 DEBUG - [3d6a2925-d683-4ced-8718-d1edda7b338a] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:12,877 DEBUG - [3d6a2925-d683-4ced-8718-d1edda7b338a] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:13,580 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:10:13,591 DEBUG - [9a6ff6d7-eb2d-4647-898b-be854702c737] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:13,591 DEBUG - [9a6ff6d7-eb2d-4647-898b-be854702c737] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:13,592 DEBUG - [9a6ff6d7-eb2d-4647-898b-be854702c737] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:13,592 DEBUG - [9a6ff6d7-eb2d-4647-898b-be854702c737] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:13,592 DEBUG - [9a6ff6d7-eb2d-4647-898b-be854702c737] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:13,592 DEBUG - [9a6ff6d7-eb2d-4647-898b-be854702c737] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:13,607 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:10:13,609 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:10:13,635 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:13,635 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:13,635 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:13,635 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:13,657 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:14,667 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbSources ] 2018-05-23 11:10:14,680 DEBUG - [2ee668ea-1fa1-4ae7-8b18-2233eecbd599] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:14,680 DEBUG - [2ee668ea-1fa1-4ae7-8b18-2233eecbd599] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:14,680 DEBUG - [2ee668ea-1fa1-4ae7-8b18-2233eecbd599] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:14,680 DEBUG - [2ee668ea-1fa1-4ae7-8b18-2233eecbd599] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:14,680 DEBUG - [2ee668ea-1fa1-4ae7-8b18-2233eecbd599] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:14,680 DEBUG - [2ee668ea-1fa1-4ae7-8b18-2233eecbd599] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:41,163 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 22 Time Taken(Ms): 7486 Uptime: 02:00:12.2908864 2018-05-23 11:10:46,864 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ] 2018-05-23 11:10:46,887 DEBUG - [c2df6d2a-6b1c-4488-99b0-77e9b9c95025] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:46,888 DEBUG - [c2df6d2a-6b1c-4488-99b0-77e9b9c95025] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:46,888 DEBUG - [c2df6d2a-6b1c-4488-99b0-77e9b9c95025] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:46,888 DEBUG - [c2df6d2a-6b1c-4488-99b0-77e9b9c95025] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:46,888 DEBUG - [c2df6d2a-6b1c-4488-99b0-77e9b9c95025] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:46,888 DEBUG - [c2df6d2a-6b1c-4488-99b0-77e9b9c95025] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:47,009 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ] 2018-05-23 11:10:47,021 DEBUG - [14451d99-15f4-473f-848b-8e2bdc1aa697] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:47,021 DEBUG - [14451d99-15f4-473f-848b-8e2bdc1aa697] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:47,021 DEBUG - [14451d99-15f4-473f-848b-8e2bdc1aa697] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:47,021 DEBUG - [14451d99-15f4-473f-848b-8e2bdc1aa697] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:47,021 DEBUG - [14451d99-15f4-473f-848b-8e2bdc1aa697] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:47,021 DEBUG - [14451d99-15f4-473f-848b-8e2bdc1aa697] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:47,033 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 2018-05-23 11:10:47,158 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:10:47,177 DEBUG - [4247c7ca-ca12-413c-8b07-91f6a11b1d0d] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:47,177 DEBUG - [4247c7ca-ca12-413c-8b07-91f6a11b1d0d] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:47,177 DEBUG - [4247c7ca-ca12-413c-8b07-91f6a11b1d0d] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:47,177 DEBUG - [4247c7ca-ca12-413c-8b07-91f6a11b1d0d] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:47,177 DEBUG - [4247c7ca-ca12-413c-8b07-91f6a11b1d0d] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:47,177 DEBUG - [4247c7ca-ca12-413c-8b07-91f6a11b1d0d] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:47,201 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:10:47,202 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:10:47,220 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:47,220 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:47,220 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:47,220 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:47,236 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:47,272 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetComputerNamesService ] 2018-05-23 11:10:47,284 DEBUG - [491ebb19-aa1d-4c71-8ba4-da97b2b34e96] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:47,284 DEBUG - [491ebb19-aa1d-4c71-8ba4-da97b2b34e96] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:47,284 DEBUG - [491ebb19-aa1d-4c71-8ba4-da97b2b34e96] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:47,284 DEBUG - [491ebb19-aa1d-4c71-8ba4-da97b2b34e96] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:47,284 DEBUG - [491ebb19-aa1d-4c71-8ba4-da97b2b34e96] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:47,284 DEBUG - [491ebb19-aa1d-4c71-8ba4-da97b2b34e96] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:47,475 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Get Computer Names 2018-05-23 11:10:47,902 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbSourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:10:47,927 DEBUG - [b25fb6d9-7e95-42dc-bbd9-3760ec1d41ce] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:47,927 DEBUG - [b25fb6d9-7e95-42dc-bbd9-3760ec1d41ce] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:47,928 DEBUG - [b25fb6d9-7e95-42dc-bbd9-3760ec1d41ce] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:47,928 DEBUG - [b25fb6d9-7e95-42dc-bbd9-3760ec1d41ce] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:47,928 DEBUG - [b25fb6d9-7e95-42dc-bbd9-3760ec1d41ce] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:47,928 DEBUG - [b25fb6d9-7e95-42dc-bbd9-3760ec1d41ce] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:47,942 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 11:10:51,621 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbSources ] 2018-05-23 11:10:51,636 DEBUG - [387f51f9-aac3-4089-ac70-51d0e0343b43] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:51,636 DEBUG - [387f51f9-aac3-4089-ac70-51d0e0343b43] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:51,636 DEBUG - [387f51f9-aac3-4089-ac70-51d0e0343b43] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:51,636 DEBUG - [387f51f9-aac3-4089-ac70-51d0e0343b43] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:51,636 DEBUG - [387f51f9-aac3-4089-ac70-51d0e0343b43] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:51,636 DEBUG - [387f51f9-aac3-4089-ac70-51d0e0343b43] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:56,920 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:10:56,930 DEBUG - [21df5193-e9c4-48f4-a469-63700b8fcad6] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:10:56,930 DEBUG - [21df5193-e9c4-48f4-a469-63700b8fcad6] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:10:56,930 DEBUG - [21df5193-e9c4-48f4-a469-63700b8fcad6] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:10:56,930 DEBUG - [21df5193-e9c4-48f4-a469-63700b8fcad6] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:10:56,930 DEBUG - [21df5193-e9c4-48f4-a469-63700b8fcad6] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:10:56,930 DEBUG - [21df5193-e9c4-48f4-a469-63700b8fcad6] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:10:56,945 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:10:56,946 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:10:56,962 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:56,962 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:56,962 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:56,962 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:10:56,977 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:11:41,169 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 6 Number of Requests: 29 Time Taken(Ms): 8017 Uptime: 02:01:12.2969862 2018-05-23 11:12:41,186 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 6 Number of Requests: 29 Time Taken(Ms): 8017 Uptime: 02:02:12.3131467 2018-05-23 11:12:47,261 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchExplorerItemsService ] 2018-05-23 11:12:47,283 DEBUG - [563c44cf-193c-4e8c-9b91-14df5ba6fec2] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:12:47,283 DEBUG - [563c44cf-193c-4e8c-9b91-14df5ba6fec2] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:12:47,283 DEBUG - [563c44cf-193c-4e8c-9b91-14df5ba6fec2] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:12:47,284 DEBUG - [563c44cf-193c-4e8c-9b91-14df5ba6fec2] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:12:47,284 DEBUG - [563c44cf-193c-4e8c-9b91-14df5ba6fec2] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:12:47,284 DEBUG - [563c44cf-193c-4e8c-9b91-14df5ba6fec2] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:12:47,332 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Explorer Items 2018-05-23 11:13:41,202 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 6 Number of Requests: 30 Time Taken(Ms): 8909 Uptime: 02:03:12.3292336 2018-05-23 11:14:41,215 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 7 Number of Requests: 30 Time Taken(Ms): 8909 Uptime: 02:04:12.3429028 2018-05-23 11:15:00,388 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbActions ] 2018-05-23 11:15:00,426 DEBUG - [0632715b-6cbe-4592-a7df-8c65ad23947a] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:15:00,426 DEBUG - [0632715b-6cbe-4592-a7df-8c65ad23947a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:15:00,442 DEBUG - [0632715b-6cbe-4592-a7df-8c65ad23947a] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:15:00,442 DEBUG - [0632715b-6cbe-4592-a7df-8c65ad23947a] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:15:00,442 DEBUG - [0632715b-6cbe-4592-a7df-8c65ad23947a] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:15:00,442 DEBUG - [0632715b-6cbe-4592-a7df-8c65ad23947a] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:15:41,232 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 30 Time Taken(Ms): 8909 Uptime: 02:05:12.3590904 2018-05-23 11:16:41,237 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 30 Time Taken(Ms): 8909 Uptime: 02:06:12.3645689 2018-05-23 11:17:41,247 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 5 Number of Requests: 30 Time Taken(Ms): 8909 Uptime: 02:07:12.3746530 2018-05-23 11:18:23,682 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ RenameItemService ] 2018-05-23 11:18:23,703 DEBUG - [11c00fd7-b8c8-4da3-b535-c48d882538a8] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:18:23,703 DEBUG - [11c00fd7-b8c8-4da3-b535-c48d882538a8] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:18:23,713 DEBUG - [11c00fd7-b8c8-4da3-b535-c48d882538a8] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:18:23,714 DEBUG - [11c00fd7-b8c8-4da3-b535-c48d882538a8] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:18:23,714 DEBUG - [11c00fd7-b8c8-4da3-b535-c48d882538a8] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:18:23,714 DEBUG - [11c00fd7-b8c8-4da3-b535-c48d882538a8] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:18:23,812 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Rename Item. Path:SQL_LAP-EDGARG NewPath:FLBackOfffice 2018-05-23 11:18:24,074 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:18:24,074 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:18:24,074 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:18:24,074 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:18:24,078 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:18:41,261 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 3 Number of Requests: 31 Time Taken(Ms): 9287 Uptime: 02:08:12.3885642 2018-05-23 11:19:15,524 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ RenameItemService ] 2018-05-23 11:19:15,566 DEBUG - [505db834-eb59-4fff-bf5c-f2cb6e05dc98] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:15,566 DEBUG - [505db834-eb59-4fff-bf5c-f2cb6e05dc98] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:15,567 DEBUG - [505db834-eb59-4fff-bf5c-f2cb6e05dc98] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:15,567 DEBUG - [505db834-eb59-4fff-bf5c-f2cb6e05dc98] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:15,567 DEBUG - [505db834-eb59-4fff-bf5c-f2cb6e05dc98] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:15,567 DEBUG - [505db834-eb59-4fff-bf5c-f2cb6e05dc98] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:19:15,569 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Rename Item. Path:SQL_LAP-EDGARG NewPath:FLPharmacySoftBackOffice 2018-05-23 11:19:15,657 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:19:15,657 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:19:15,657 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:19:15,657 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:19:15,658 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:19:23,188 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ] 2018-05-23 11:19:23,208 DEBUG - [eac60b3a-8f81-45f6-8522-6facef2dc5b9] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:23,208 DEBUG - [eac60b3a-8f81-45f6-8522-6facef2dc5b9] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:23,208 DEBUG - [eac60b3a-8f81-45f6-8522-6facef2dc5b9] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:23,208 DEBUG - [eac60b3a-8f81-45f6-8522-6facef2dc5b9] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:23,208 DEBUG - [eac60b3a-8f81-45f6-8522-6facef2dc5b9] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:23,208 DEBUG - [eac60b3a-8f81-45f6-8522-6facef2dc5b9] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:19:23,209 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 7a683c61-185f-42c2-b506-13cc3de7a718 2018-05-23 11:19:24,274 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:19:24,292 DEBUG - [29945035-6bfe-4ad7-b5e1-831da2d17e2f] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:24,292 DEBUG - [29945035-6bfe-4ad7-b5e1-831da2d17e2f] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:24,292 DEBUG - [29945035-6bfe-4ad7-b5e1-831da2d17e2f] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:24,292 DEBUG - [29945035-6bfe-4ad7-b5e1-831da2d17e2f] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:24,292 DEBUG - [29945035-6bfe-4ad7-b5e1-831da2d17e2f] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:24,292 DEBUG - [29945035-6bfe-4ad7-b5e1-831da2d17e2f] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:19:24,330 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:19:24,332 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:19:24,361 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:24,361 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:24,361 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:24,361 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:24,437 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:24,476 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetComputerNamesService ] 2018-05-23 11:19:24,500 DEBUG - [c096ef95-fa07-4f77-8d36-4325893050a6] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:24,500 DEBUG - [c096ef95-fa07-4f77-8d36-4325893050a6] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:24,501 DEBUG - [c096ef95-fa07-4f77-8d36-4325893050a6] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:24,501 DEBUG - [c096ef95-fa07-4f77-8d36-4325893050a6] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:24,501 DEBUG - [c096ef95-fa07-4f77-8d36-4325893050a6] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:24,501 DEBUG - [c096ef95-fa07-4f77-8d36-4325893050a6] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:19:24,669 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Get Computer Names 2018-05-23 11:19:24,901 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbSourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:19:24,937 DEBUG - [8c7d84eb-9066-47b4-a24d-a872ec8b955c] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:24,937 DEBUG - [8c7d84eb-9066-47b4-a24d-a872ec8b955c] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:24,937 DEBUG - [8c7d84eb-9066-47b4-a24d-a872ec8b955c] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:24,937 DEBUG - [8c7d84eb-9066-47b4-a24d-a872ec8b955c] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:24,937 DEBUG - [8c7d84eb-9066-47b4-a24d-a872ec8b955c] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:24,937 DEBUG - [8c7d84eb-9066-47b4-a24d-a872ec8b955c] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:19:24,968 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 11:19:29,094 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbSourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:19:29,128 DEBUG - [fd743700-3761-4191-a52d-6910a379e832] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:29,128 DEBUG - [fd743700-3761-4191-a52d-6910a379e832] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:29,128 DEBUG - [fd743700-3761-4191-a52d-6910a379e832] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:29,128 DEBUG - [fd743700-3761-4191-a52d-6910a379e832] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:29,129 DEBUG - [fd743700-3761-4191-a52d-6910a379e832] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:29,129 DEBUG - [fd743700-3761-4191-a52d-6910a379e832] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:19:29,147 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 11:19:40,471 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:19:40,482 DEBUG - [5f20fe1f-cc52-4042-a182-8f4c6e8836ac] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:40,482 DEBUG - [5f20fe1f-cc52-4042-a182-8f4c6e8836ac] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:40,483 DEBUG - [5f20fe1f-cc52-4042-a182-8f4c6e8836ac] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:40,483 DEBUG - [5f20fe1f-cc52-4042-a182-8f4c6e8836ac] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:40,483 DEBUG - [5f20fe1f-cc52-4042-a182-8f4c6e8836ac] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:40,483 DEBUG - [5f20fe1f-cc52-4042-a182-8f4c6e8836ac] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:19:40,512 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:19:40,513 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:19:40,527 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:40,527 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:40,527 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:40,527 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:40,541 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:19:41,266 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 39 Time Taken(Ms): 272282 Uptime: 02:09:12.3938891 2018-05-23 11:19:41,710 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbSources ] 2018-05-23 11:19:41,722 DEBUG - [3c2dad23-f4f3-47c3-8d79-a30abed6965b] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:41,722 DEBUG - [3c2dad23-f4f3-47c3-8d79-a30abed6965b] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:41,722 DEBUG - [3c2dad23-f4f3-47c3-8d79-a30abed6965b] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:41,722 DEBUG - [3c2dad23-f4f3-47c3-8d79-a30abed6965b] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:41,722 DEBUG - [3c2dad23-f4f3-47c3-8d79-a30abed6965b] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:41,722 DEBUG - [3c2dad23-f4f3-47c3-8d79-a30abed6965b] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:19:41,839 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbActions ] 2018-05-23 11:19:41,858 DEBUG - [1f025ed2-80ec-4f62-8c15-283ffd8d48a0] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:19:41,858 DEBUG - [1f025ed2-80ec-4f62-8c15-283ffd8d48a0] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:19:41,858 DEBUG - [1f025ed2-80ec-4f62-8c15-283ffd8d48a0] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:19:41,858 DEBUG - [1f025ed2-80ec-4f62-8c15-283ffd8d48a0] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:19:41,858 DEBUG - [1f025ed2-80ec-4f62-8c15-283ffd8d48a0] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:19:41,858 DEBUG - [1f025ed2-80ec-4f62-8c15-283ffd8d48a0] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:20:41,272 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 41 Time Taken(Ms): 272776 Uptime: 02:10:12.3997870 2018-05-23 11:21:41,281 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 41 Time Taken(Ms): 272776 Uptime: 02:11:12.4086511 2018-05-23 11:22:41,297 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 41 Time Taken(Ms): 272776 Uptime: 02:12:12.4245924 2018-05-23 11:23:41,301 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 41 Time Taken(Ms): 272776 Uptime: 02:13:12.4285570 2018-05-23 11:24:41,321 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 41 Time Taken(Ms): 272776 Uptime: 02:14:12.4484675 2018-05-23 11:24:53,792 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbService ] 2018-05-23 11:24:53,819 DEBUG - [aeb2d7c1-54c7-49b5-abd6-1f4efad11b11] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:24:53,819 DEBUG - [aeb2d7c1-54c7-49b5-abd6-1f4efad11b11] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:24:53,832 DEBUG - [aeb2d7c1-54c7-49b5-abd6-1f4efad11b11] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:24:53,832 DEBUG - [aeb2d7c1-54c7-49b5-abd6-1f4efad11b11] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:24:53,832 DEBUG - [aeb2d7c1-54c7-49b5-abd6-1f4efad11b11] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:24:53,832 DEBUG - [aeb2d7c1-54c7-49b5-abd6-1f4efad11b11] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:24:53,869 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 11:25:06,133 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.InvalidOperationException: SqlTransaction se completó; ya no se puede utilizar. en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.ZombieCheck() en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Rollback() en Dev2.Services.Sql.SqlServer.RollbackTransaction() en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Sql\SqlServer.cs:línea 88 2018-05-23 11:25:41,338 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 7 Number of Requests: 42 Time Taken(Ms): 285130 Uptime: 02:15:12.4651928 2018-05-23 11:26:31,823 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:26:31,834 DEBUG - [9fe7fd7a-e62f-4eae-aa63-d379bd25dbd6] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:26:31,834 DEBUG - [9fe7fd7a-e62f-4eae-aa63-d379bd25dbd6] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:26:31,834 DEBUG - [9fe7fd7a-e62f-4eae-aa63-d379bd25dbd6] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:26:31,834 DEBUG - [9fe7fd7a-e62f-4eae-aa63-d379bd25dbd6] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:26:31,834 DEBUG - [9fe7fd7a-e62f-4eae-aa63-d379bd25dbd6] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:26:31,834 DEBUG - [9fe7fd7a-e62f-4eae-aa63-d379bd25dbd6] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:26:31,867 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:26:31,868 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:26:31,884 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:31,884 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:31,884 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:31,884 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:33,851 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:33,937 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:26:33,950 DEBUG - [691755cd-cae0-4a92-b313-f23ae001ca65] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:26:33,950 DEBUG - [691755cd-cae0-4a92-b313-f23ae001ca65] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:26:33,951 DEBUG - [691755cd-cae0-4a92-b313-f23ae001ca65] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:26:33,951 DEBUG - [691755cd-cae0-4a92-b313-f23ae001ca65] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:26:33,951 DEBUG - [691755cd-cae0-4a92-b313-f23ae001ca65] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:26:33,951 DEBUG - [691755cd-cae0-4a92-b313-f23ae001ca65] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:26:33,972 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:26:33,974 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:26:34,001 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:34,001 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:34,001 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:34,001 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:34,026 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:26:41,343 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 9 Number of Requests: 44 Time Taken(Ms): 287225 Uptime: 02:16:12.4701568 2018-05-23 11:26:50,412 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM DUMP FOR [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg ] 2018-05-23 11:26:50,415 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Warewolf Administrators 2018-05-23 11:26:50,418 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:26:50,420 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Public 2018-05-23 11:26:50,429 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:26:50,433 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - AUTH ERROR FOR USER : BISOFTCLN\edgarg 2018-05-23 11:27:41,361 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 10 Number of Requests: 44 Time Taken(Ms): 287225 Uptime: 02:17:12.4884981 2018-05-23 11:27:47,727 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ DeleteResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:27:47,761 DEBUG - [dc697d5f-15bb-486b-8341-371df5636b63] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:27:47,761 DEBUG - [dc697d5f-15bb-486b-8341-371df5636b63] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:27:47,761 DEBUG - [dc697d5f-15bb-486b-8341-371df5636b63] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:27:47,761 DEBUG - [dc697d5f-15bb-486b-8341-371df5636b63] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:27:47,761 DEBUG - [dc697d5f-15bb-486b-8341-371df5636b63] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:27:47,761 DEBUG - [dc697d5f-15bb-486b-8341-371df5636b63] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:27:47,774 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:27:47,817 DEBUG - [6fdc477d-6140-4a7a-b7c9-c52f0c580d05] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:27:47,817 DEBUG - [6fdc477d-6140-4a7a-b7c9-c52f0c580d05] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:27:47,817 DEBUG - [6fdc477d-6140-4a7a-b7c9-c52f0c580d05] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:27:47,817 DEBUG - [6fdc477d-6140-4a7a-b7c9-c52f0c580d05] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:27:47,817 DEBUG - [6fdc477d-6140-4a7a-b7c9-c52f0c580d05] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:27:47,817 DEBUG - [6fdc477d-6140-4a7a-b7c9-c52f0c580d05] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:27:47,829 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Delete Resource Service. Resource:3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 2018-05-23 11:27:47,837 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:27:47,839 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:27:47,915 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:27:47,915 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:27:47,915 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:27:47,915 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:27:48,019 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:27:48,053 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:27:48,074 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:27:48,074 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:27:48,074 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:27:48,074 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:27:48,108 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:27:51,208 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbSources ] 2018-05-23 11:27:51,222 DEBUG - [9ffdafc5-25e3-479f-82fc-07d3e9f9da84] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:27:51,222 DEBUG - [9ffdafc5-25e3-479f-82fc-07d3e9f9da84] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:27:51,223 DEBUG - [9ffdafc5-25e3-479f-82fc-07d3e9f9da84] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:27:51,223 DEBUG - [9ffdafc5-25e3-479f-82fc-07d3e9f9da84] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:27:51,223 DEBUG - [9ffdafc5-25e3-479f-82fc-07d3e9f9da84] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:27:51,223 DEBUG - [9ffdafc5-25e3-479f-82fc-07d3e9f9da84] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:27:51,336 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbActions ] 2018-05-23 11:27:51,357 DEBUG - [a819b4b2-dcf9-4150-851d-1d12e8cec54c] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:27:51,357 DEBUG - [a819b4b2-dcf9-4150-851d-1d12e8cec54c] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:27:51,357 DEBUG - [a819b4b2-dcf9-4150-851d-1d12e8cec54c] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:27:51,357 DEBUG - [a819b4b2-dcf9-4150-851d-1d12e8cec54c] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:27:51,357 DEBUG - [a819b4b2-dcf9-4150-851d-1d12e8cec54c] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:27:51,357 DEBUG - [a819b4b2-dcf9-4150-851d-1d12e8cec54c] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:28:41,365 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 16 Number of Requests: 48 Time Taken(Ms): 287959 Uptime: 02:18:12.4929228 2018-05-23 11:29:27,264 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM DUMP FOR [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg ] 2018-05-23 11:29:27,268 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Warewolf Administrators 2018-05-23 11:29:27,271 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:29:27,273 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Public 2018-05-23 11:29:27,279 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:29:27,281 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - AUTH ERROR FOR USER : BISOFTCLN\edgarg 2018-05-23 11:29:41,371 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 16 Number of Requests: 48 Time Taken(Ms): 287959 Uptime: 02:19:12.4982331 2018-05-23 11:30:05,313 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:30:05,336 DEBUG - [f7d4f6db-86e0-4035-8b1e-c311349b448d] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:30:05,336 DEBUG - [f7d4f6db-86e0-4035-8b1e-c311349b448d] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:30:05,336 DEBUG - [f7d4f6db-86e0-4035-8b1e-c311349b448d] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:30:05,336 DEBUG - [f7d4f6db-86e0-4035-8b1e-c311349b448d] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:30:05,336 DEBUG - [f7d4f6db-86e0-4035-8b1e-c311349b448d] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:30:05,336 DEBUG - [f7d4f6db-86e0-4035-8b1e-c311349b448d] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:30:05,340 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:30:05,344 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:30:05,431 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:30:05,431 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:30:05,431 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:30:05,431 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:30:05,480 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:30:08,006 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:30:08,060 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:08,060 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:08,060 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:08,060 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:08,096 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:15,419 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM DUMP FOR [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg ] 2018-05-23 11:30:15,422 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Warewolf Administrators 2018-05-23 11:30:15,426 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:30:15,430 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Public 2018-05-23 11:30:15,436 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:30:15,439 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - AUTH ERROR FOR USER : BISOFTCLN\edgarg 2018-05-23 11:30:33,994 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:30:34,006 DEBUG - [a6249298-d029-4985-9b98-5e416720d284] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:30:34,006 DEBUG - [a6249298-d029-4985-9b98-5e416720d284] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:30:34,007 DEBUG - [a6249298-d029-4985-9b98-5e416720d284] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:30:34,007 DEBUG - [a6249298-d029-4985-9b98-5e416720d284] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:30:34,007 DEBUG - [a6249298-d029-4985-9b98-5e416720d284] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:30:34,007 DEBUG - [a6249298-d029-4985-9b98-5e416720d284] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:30:34,010 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:30:34,011 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:30:34,044 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:34,044 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:34,044 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:34,044 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:34,082 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:30:41,377 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 13 Number of Requests: 50 Time Taken(Ms): 290794 Uptime: 02:20:12.5038102 2018-05-23 11:30:46,734 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM DUMP FOR [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg ] 2018-05-23 11:30:46,736 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Warewolf Administrators 2018-05-23 11:30:46,740 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:30:46,743 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Public 2018-05-23 11:30:46,749 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:30:46,756 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - AUTH ERROR FOR USER : BISOFTCLN\edgarg 2018-05-23 11:31:41,380 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 13 Number of Requests: 50 Time Taken(Ms): 290794 Uptime: 02:21:12.5080219 2018-05-23 11:31:56,429 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:31:56,447 DEBUG - [39b59d45-05c9-48c5-89a1-87becce7df33] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:31:56,447 DEBUG - [39b59d45-05c9-48c5-89a1-87becce7df33] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:31:56,459 DEBUG - [39b59d45-05c9-48c5-89a1-87becce7df33] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:31:56,459 DEBUG - [39b59d45-05c9-48c5-89a1-87becce7df33] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:31:56,459 DEBUG - [39b59d45-05c9-48c5-89a1-87becce7df33] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:31:56,459 DEBUG - [39b59d45-05c9-48c5-89a1-87becce7df33] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:31:56,462 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:31:56,463 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:31:56,496 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:31:56,496 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:31:56,496 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:31:56,496 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:31:56,528 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:31:56,602 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:31:56,633 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:31:56,633 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:31:56,633 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:31:56,633 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:31:56,691 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:32:08,818 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ PS_ProductosTodos ] 2018-05-23 11:32:08,834 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:32:08,834 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:32:09,042 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:32:09,042 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:32:09,042 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:32:09,042 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:32:09,207 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - About to execute web request [ 'PS_ProductosTodos' ] for User [ 'BISOFTCLN\edgarg' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ] 2018-05-23 11:32:09,207 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Request URL [ http://LAP-EDGARG:3142/secure/PS_ProductosTodos.XML?1 ] 2018-05-23 11:32:09,207 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Entered Wf Container 2018-05-23 11:32:09,207 INFO - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 11:32:09,288 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:32:09,325 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Getting Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 11:32:09,325 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:32:09,325 DEBUG - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Got Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 11:32:09,326 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:32:09,326 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:32:09,326 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:32:09,326 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Starting Execute 2018-05-23 11:32:09,387 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Debug Already Started 2018-05-23 11:32:10,301 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,422 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,497 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,548 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,581 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,614 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,652 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,694 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,738 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,783 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,792 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 11:32:10,882 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:10,961 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,008 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,053 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,113 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,182 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,226 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,273 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,329 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,401 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:32:11,404 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 11:32:11,405 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Executed first node 2018-05-23 11:32:11,492 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:32:11,871 ERROR - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Execution Result [ { "dbo_conTodoGenProductosCat_Op01": []} ] 2018-05-23 11:32:11,874 INFO - [b2b122a5-d8dc-4f29-9c86-1aec73707e5a] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 11:32:11,883 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Variable is null 2018-05-23 11:32:11,887 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:32:41,399 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 17 Number of Requests: 52 Time Taken(Ms): 293870 Uptime: 02:22:12.5263826 2018-05-23 11:33:20,696 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:33:20,725 DEBUG - [95203c9f-1bd0-4e35-bf57-ff676343ed2c] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:33:20,725 DEBUG - [95203c9f-1bd0-4e35-bf57-ff676343ed2c] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:33:20,725 DEBUG - [95203c9f-1bd0-4e35-bf57-ff676343ed2c] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:33:20,725 DEBUG - [95203c9f-1bd0-4e35-bf57-ff676343ed2c] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:33:20,725 DEBUG - [95203c9f-1bd0-4e35-bf57-ff676343ed2c] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:33:20,725 DEBUG - [95203c9f-1bd0-4e35-bf57-ff676343ed2c] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:33:20,736 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:33:20,737 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:33:20,790 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:33:20,790 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:33:20,790 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:33:20,790 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:33:20,847 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:33:20,918 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:33:20,944 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:33:20,944 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:33:20,944 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:33:20,944 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:33:20,984 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:33:32,232 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM DUMP FOR [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg ] 2018-05-23 11:33:32,249 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Warewolf Administrators 2018-05-23 11:33:32,257 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:33:32,261 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Public 2018-05-23 11:33:32,267 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 11:33:32,272 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - AUTH ERROR FOR USER : BISOFTCLN\edgarg 2018-05-23 11:33:41,403 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 53 Time Taken(Ms): 294129 Uptime: 02:23:12.5308001 2018-05-23 11:34:41,420 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 53 Time Taken(Ms): 294129 Uptime: 02:24:12.5479876 2018-05-23 11:34:48,525 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ PS_ProductosTodos ] 2018-05-23 11:34:48,542 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:34:48,542 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:34:48,559 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:34:48,559 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:34:48,559 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:34:48,559 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:34:48,657 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - About to execute web request [ 'PS_ProductosTodos' ] for User [ 'BISOFTCLN\edgarg' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ] 2018-05-23 11:34:48,657 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Request URL [ http://LAP-EDGARG:3142/secure/PS_ProductosTodos.XML?100 ] 2018-05-23 11:34:48,657 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Entered Wf Container 2018-05-23 11:34:48,657 INFO - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 11:34:48,660 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:34:48,688 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Getting Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 11:34:48,688 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:34:48,688 DEBUG - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Got Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 11:34:48,688 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:34:48,688 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:34:48,689 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:34:48,689 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Starting Execute 2018-05-23 11:34:48,690 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Debug Already Started 2018-05-23 11:34:48,985 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,025 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,068 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,108 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,151 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,190 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,235 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,272 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,313 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,362 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,364 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 11:34:49,398 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,443 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,485 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,528 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,576 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,610 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,655 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,695 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,735 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,770 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:34:49,773 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 11:34:49,773 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Executed first node 2018-05-23 11:34:49,825 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:34:49,932 ERROR - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Execution Result [ { "dbo_conTodoGenProductosCat_Op01": []} ] 2018-05-23 11:34:49,935 INFO - [ffd0befc-d8f6-4319-8056-ab546fd3c042] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 11:34:49,935 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Variable is null 2018-05-23 11:34:49,938 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:35:41,425 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 54 Time Taken(Ms): 295507 Uptime: 02:25:12.5528748 2018-05-23 11:36:41,444 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 54 Time Taken(Ms): 295507 Uptime: 02:26:12.5721051 2018-05-23 11:37:41,461 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 54 Time Taken(Ms): 295507 Uptime: 02:27:12.5889337 2018-05-23 11:38:41,465 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 54 Time Taken(Ms): 295507 Uptime: 02:28:12.5931029 2018-05-23 11:39:41,476 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 54 Time Taken(Ms): 295507 Uptime: 02:29:12.6037255 2018-05-23 11:40:25,012 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:40:25,030 DEBUG - [6672b177-a7c2-42e2-9cfc-432c3679b0cb] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:40:25,030 DEBUG - [6672b177-a7c2-42e2-9cfc-432c3679b0cb] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:40:25,031 DEBUG - [6672b177-a7c2-42e2-9cfc-432c3679b0cb] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:40:25,031 DEBUG - [6672b177-a7c2-42e2-9cfc-432c3679b0cb] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:40:25,031 DEBUG - [6672b177-a7c2-42e2-9cfc-432c3679b0cb] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:40:25,031 DEBUG - [6672b177-a7c2-42e2-9cfc-432c3679b0cb] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:40:25,041 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:40:25,043 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:40:25,089 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:40:25,089 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:40:25,089 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:40:25,089 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:40:25,236 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:40:25,274 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:40:25,300 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:40:25,300 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:40:25,300 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:40:25,300 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:40:25,338 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:40:32,588 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ PS_ProductosTodos ] 2018-05-23 11:40:32,609 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:40:32,609 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:40:32,610 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:40:32,610 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:40:32,610 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:40:32,610 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:40:32,757 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - About to execute web request [ 'PS_ProductosTodos' ] for User [ 'BISOFTCLN\edgarg' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ] 2018-05-23 11:40:32,757 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Request URL [ http://LAP-EDGARG:3142/secure/PS_ProductosTodos.XML?100 ] 2018-05-23 11:40:32,757 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Entered Wf Container 2018-05-23 11:40:32,757 INFO - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 11:40:32,759 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:40:32,794 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Getting Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 11:40:32,794 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:40:32,794 DEBUG - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Got Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 11:40:32,794 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:40:32,794 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:40:32,794 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:40:32,794 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Starting Execute 2018-05-23 11:40:32,795 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Debug Already Started 2018-05-23 11:40:33,172 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,203 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,264 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,331 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,369 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,404 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,446 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,484 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,518 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,552 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,555 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 11:40:33,585 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,616 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,648 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,699 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,743 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,785 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,821 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,856 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,898 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,939 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:40:33,943 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 11:40:33,943 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Executed first node 2018-05-23 11:40:33,993 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:40:34,052 ERROR - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Execution Result [ { "dbo_conTodoGenProductosCat_Op01": []} ] 2018-05-23 11:40:34,055 INFO - [92969849-a506-45a3-872f-d8257aea3878] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 11:40:34,055 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Variable is null 2018-05-23 11:40:34,057 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:40:41,489 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 15 Number of Requests: 56 Time Taken(Ms): 297262 Uptime: 02:30:12.6165377 2018-05-23 11:41:16,959 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 11:41:16,987 DEBUG - [7da8620d-bd43-4b27-a6d3-d56bcbb066e1] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:41:16,987 DEBUG - [7da8620d-bd43-4b27-a6d3-d56bcbb066e1] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:41:16,987 DEBUG - [7da8620d-bd43-4b27-a6d3-d56bcbb066e1] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:41:16,987 DEBUG - [7da8620d-bd43-4b27-a6d3-d56bcbb066e1] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:41:16,987 DEBUG - [7da8620d-bd43-4b27-a6d3-d56bcbb066e1] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:41:16,987 DEBUG - [7da8620d-bd43-4b27-a6d3-d56bcbb066e1] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:41:16,993 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 11:41:16,994 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:41:17,031 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:41:17,031 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:41:17,031 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:41:17,031 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:41:17,088 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 11:41:17,143 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 11:41:17,163 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:41:17,163 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:41:17,163 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:41:17,163 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:41:17,208 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:41:41,493 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 18 Number of Requests: 57 Time Taken(Ms): 297483 Uptime: 02:31:12.6207862 2018-05-23 11:42:20,661 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ PS_ProductosTodos ] 2018-05-23 11:42:20,696 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:42:20,696 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:42:20,696 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:42:20,696 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:42:20,696 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:42:20,696 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:42:20,869 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - About to execute web request [ 'PS_ProductosTodos' ] for User [ 'BISOFTCLN\edgarg' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ] 2018-05-23 11:42:20,869 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Request URL [ http://LAP-EDGARG:3142/secure/PS_ProductosTodos.XML?10011 ] 2018-05-23 11:42:20,869 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Entered Wf Container 2018-05-23 11:42:20,869 INFO - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 11:42:20,871 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:42:20,902 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Getting Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 11:42:20,902 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 11:42:20,902 DEBUG - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Got Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 11:42:20,902 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:42:20,902 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:42:20,902 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 11:42:20,902 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Starting Execute 2018-05-23 11:42:20,903 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Debug Already Started 2018-05-23 11:42:35,166 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - SQL Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.CompleteXmlReader(SqlDataReader ds) en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.ReadForXml(Int32 update, Stopwatch startTime, SqlConnection connection) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 374 en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.SqlExecution(ErrorResultTO errors, Int32 update) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 274 2018-05-23 11:42:35,183 ERROR - [ en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.CompleteXmlReader(SqlDataReader ds) en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.ReadForXml(Int32 update, Stopwatch startTime, SqlConnection connection) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 374 en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.SqlExecution(ErrorResultTO errors, Int32 update) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 274] - SQL Error: 2018-05-23 11:42:35,197 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - DsfNativeActivity System.Exception: --[ Execution Exception ]-- Service Name = DsfActivity Error Message = SQL Error: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. --[ End Execution Exception ]-- 2018-05-23 11:42:35,227 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,257 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,302 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,361 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,402 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,439 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,471 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,507 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,542 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,578 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,581 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 11:42:35,615 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,650 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,716 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,762 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,795 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,826 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,861 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,899 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:35,948 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:36,002 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 11:42:36,005 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 11:42:36,005 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Executed first node 2018-05-23 11:42:36,053 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:42:36,136 ERROR - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Execution Result [ { "dbo_conTodoGenProductosCat_Op01": []} ] 2018-05-23 11:42:36,138 INFO - [c973309a-4773-4b53-abec-6d47933f98e2] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 11:42:36,138 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - SQL Error: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. 2018-05-23 11:42:36,141 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 11:42:41,498 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 18 Number of Requests: 58 Time Taken(Ms): 312926 Uptime: 02:32:12.6252148 2018-05-23 11:43:41,514 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 18 Number of Requests: 58 Time Taken(Ms): 312926 Uptime: 02:33:12.6411645 2018-05-23 11:44:41,518 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 18 Number of Requests: 58 Time Taken(Ms): 312926 Uptime: 02:34:12.6453855 2018-05-23 11:45:41,523 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 18 Number of Requests: 58 Time Taken(Ms): 312926 Uptime: 02:35:12.6504742 2018-05-23 11:46:11,312 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchExplorerItemsService ] 2018-05-23 11:46:11,460 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ] 2018-05-23 11:46:11,489 DEBUG - [bd7737ed-a512-4444-a99d-c16ac877101e] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:46:11,489 DEBUG - [bd7737ed-a512-4444-a99d-c16ac877101e] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:46:11,490 DEBUG - [bd7737ed-a512-4444-a99d-c16ac877101e] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:46:11,490 DEBUG - [bd7737ed-a512-4444-a99d-c16ac877101e] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:46:11,490 DEBUG - [bd7737ed-a512-4444-a99d-c16ac877101e] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:46:11,490 DEBUG - [bd7737ed-a512-4444-a99d-c16ac877101e] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:46:11,550 DEBUG - [717b91cd-344f-48de-a115-4187a318e9ea] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:46:11,550 DEBUG - [717b91cd-344f-48de-a115-4187a318e9ea] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:46:11,551 DEBUG - [717b91cd-344f-48de-a115-4187a318e9ea] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:46:11,551 DEBUG - [717b91cd-344f-48de-a115-4187a318e9ea] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:46:11,551 DEBUG - [717b91cd-344f-48de-a115-4187a318e9ea] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:46:11,551 DEBUG - [717b91cd-344f-48de-a115-4187a318e9ea] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:46:11,628 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Explorer Items 2018-05-23 11:46:11,713 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read 2018-05-23 11:46:41,527 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 60 Time Taken(Ms): 313851 Uptime: 02:36:12.6543185 2018-05-23 11:47:41,542 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 60 Time Taken(Ms): 313851 Uptime: 02:37:12.6697404 2018-05-23 11:48:41,546 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 12 Number of Requests: 60 Time Taken(Ms): 313851 Uptime: 02:38:12.6739495 2018-05-23 11:49:07,564 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbActions ] 2018-05-23 11:49:07,600 DEBUG - [72f70e9c-693b-4c2e-9510-37ae5ec48d3a] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 11:49:07,600 DEBUG - [72f70e9c-693b-4c2e-9510-37ae5ec48d3a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 11:49:07,601 DEBUG - [72f70e9c-693b-4c2e-9510-37ae5ec48d3a] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 11:49:07,601 DEBUG - [72f70e9c-693b-4c2e-9510-37ae5ec48d3a] - Finding service 2018-05-23 11:49:07,601 DEBUG - [72f70e9c-693b-4c2e-9510-37ae5ec48d3a] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 11:49:07,601 DEBUG - [72f70e9c-693b-4c2e-9510-37ae5ec48d3a] - Getting container 2018-05-23 11:49:41,571 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 15 Number of Requests: 60 Time Taken(Ms): 313851 Uptime: 02:39:12.6984661 2018-05-23 11:50:41,584 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 5 Number of Requests: 60 Time Taken(Ms): 313851 Uptime: 02:40:12.7114589 2018-05-23 11:51:41,604 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 60 Time Taken(Ms): 313851 Uptime: 02:41:12.7320728 2018-05-23 11:52:41,609 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 60 Time Taken(Ms): 313851 Uptime: 02:42:12.7362853 2018-05-23 11:53:41,613 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 60 Time Taken(Ms): 313851 Uptime: 02:43:12.7409683 2018-05-23 11:54:41,626 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:44:12.7536736 2018-05-23 11:55:41,631 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:45:12.7583659 2018-05-23 11:56:41,649 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:46:12.7758523 2018-05-23 11:57:41,651 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:47:12.7787865 2018-05-23 11:58:41,665 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:48:12.7926693 2018-05-23 11:59:41,669 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:49:12.7963819 2018-05-23 12:00:41,679 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:50:12.8063493 2018-05-23 12:01:16,061 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchDbActions ] 2018-05-23 12:01:16,088 DEBUG - [873825b0-613d-42f3-aef9-713c8309f643] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:01:16,088 DEBUG - [873825b0-613d-42f3-aef9-713c8309f643] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:01:16,122 DEBUG - [873825b0-613d-42f3-aef9-713c8309f643] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:01:16,122 DEBUG - [873825b0-613d-42f3-aef9-713c8309f643] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:01:16,122 DEBUG - [873825b0-613d-42f3-aef9-713c8309f643] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:01:16,122 DEBUG - [873825b0-613d-42f3-aef9-713c8309f643] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:01:41,692 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 11 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:51:12.8191453 2018-05-23 12:02:41,695 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 61 Time Taken(Ms): 645614 Uptime: 02:52:12.8229801 2018-05-23 12:03:41,711 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 6 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 02:53:12.8389123 2018-05-23 12:04:41,715 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 02:54:12.8431007 2018-05-23 12:05:41,718 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 02:55:12.8452140 2018-05-23 12:06:41,736 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 02:56:12.8634185 2018-05-23 12:07:41,753 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 02:57:12.8802755 2018-05-23 12:08:41,756 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 02:58:12.8840412 2018-05-23 12:09:41,759 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 02:59:12.8865415 2018-05-23 12:10:41,777 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:00:12.9045943 2018-05-23 12:11:41,793 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:01:12.9202758 2018-05-23 12:12:41,796 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:02:12.9236629 2018-05-23 12:13:41,800 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:03:12.9275223 2018-05-23 12:14:41,815 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:04:12.9430466 2018-05-23 12:15:41,818 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:05:12.9460139 2018-05-23 12:16:41,824 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 1 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:06:12.9517111 2018-05-23 12:17:41,838 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:07:12.9654645 2018-05-23 12:18:41,841 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:08:12.9686346 2018-05-23 12:19:41,844 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:09:12.9715958 2018-05-23 12:20:41,860 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:10:12.9876209 2018-05-23 12:21:41,862 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:11:12.9900958 2018-05-23 12:22:41,866 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:12:12.9936036 2018-05-23 12:23:41,869 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:13:12.9963083 2018-05-23 12:24:41,885 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:14:13.0125567 2018-05-23 12:25:41,894 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:15:13.0212308 2018-05-23 12:26:41,912 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:16:13.0399147 2018-05-23 12:27:41,924 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:17:13.0519376 2018-05-23 12:28:41,939 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:18:13.0670068 2018-05-23 12:29:41,943 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:19:13.0702746 2018-05-23 12:30:41,945 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:20:13.0729627 2018-05-23 12:31:41,961 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:21:13.0886189 2018-05-23 12:32:41,970 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:22:13.0974162 2018-05-23 12:33:41,984 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:23:13.1117877 2018-05-23 12:34:41,999 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:24:13.1261374 2018-05-23 12:35:42,000 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:25:13.1280406 2018-05-23 12:36:42,004 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:26:13.1306984 2018-05-23 12:37:42,005 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:27:13.1329645 2018-05-23 12:38:42,024 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:28:13.1520949 2018-05-23 12:39:42,027 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:29:13.1544681 2018-05-23 12:40:42,042 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:30:13.1696423 2018-05-23 12:41:42,044 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:31:13.1716920 2018-05-23 12:42:42,046 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 62 Time Taken(Ms): 765226 Uptime: 03:32:13.1732125 2018-05-23 12:42:42,207 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ TestDbService ] 2018-05-23 12:42:42,221 DEBUG - [aad61746-0897-41a7-a4c6-3dfe818c2518] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:42:42,221 DEBUG - [aad61746-0897-41a7-a4c6-3dfe818c2518] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:42:42,254 DEBUG - [aad61746-0897-41a7-a4c6-3dfe818c2518] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:42:42,254 DEBUG - [aad61746-0897-41a7-a4c6-3dfe818c2518] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:42:42,254 DEBUG - [aad61746-0897-41a7-a4c6-3dfe818c2518] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:42:42,254 DEBUG - [aad61746-0897-41a7-a4c6-3dfe818c2518] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:42:42,390 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Test DB Connection Service 2018-05-23 12:42:43,272 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.InvalidOperationException: SqlTransaction se completó; ya no se puede utilizar. en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.ZombieCheck() en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Rollback() en Dev2.Services.Sql.SqlServer.RollbackTransaction() en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Sql\SqlServer.cs:línea 88 2018-05-23 12:43:42,048 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 63 Time Taken(Ms): 766260 Uptime: 03:33:13.1753904 2018-05-23 12:44:42,050 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 63 Time Taken(Ms): 766260 Uptime: 03:34:13.1778127 2018-05-23 12:44:45,548 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 12:44:45,559 DEBUG - [6604b425-7132-4a2e-b4ab-2621c6007952] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:44:45,559 DEBUG - [6604b425-7132-4a2e-b4ab-2621c6007952] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:44:45,559 DEBUG - [6604b425-7132-4a2e-b4ab-2621c6007952] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:44:45,559 DEBUG - [6604b425-7132-4a2e-b4ab-2621c6007952] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:44:45,559 DEBUG - [6604b425-7132-4a2e-b4ab-2621c6007952] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:44:45,559 DEBUG - [6604b425-7132-4a2e-b4ab-2621c6007952] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:44:45,651 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 12:44:45,655 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 12:44:45,774 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:44:45,774 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:44:45,774 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:44:45,774 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:44:45,868 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:44:45,896 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 12:44:45,929 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:44:45,929 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:44:45,929 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:44:45,929 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:44:45,976 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:44:53,070 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM DUMP FOR [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg ] 2018-05-23 12:44:53,073 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Warewolf Administrators 2018-05-23 12:44:53,075 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 12:44:53,077 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Public 2018-05-23 12:44:53,082 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 12:44:53,085 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - AUTH ERROR FOR USER : BISOFTCLN\edgarg 2018-05-23 12:45:11,356 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 12:45:11,374 DEBUG - [0f2ba1a4-9d94-4f86-a7d3-df28db604eee] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:45:11,374 DEBUG - [0f2ba1a4-9d94-4f86-a7d3-df28db604eee] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:45:11,375 DEBUG - [0f2ba1a4-9d94-4f86-a7d3-df28db604eee] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:45:11,375 DEBUG - [0f2ba1a4-9d94-4f86-a7d3-df28db604eee] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:45:11,375 DEBUG - [0f2ba1a4-9d94-4f86-a7d3-df28db604eee] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:45:11,375 DEBUG - [0f2ba1a4-9d94-4f86-a7d3-df28db604eee] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:45:11,378 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 12:45:11,381 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 12:45:11,410 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:45:11,410 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:45:11,410 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:45:11,410 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:45:11,472 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:45:11,502 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 12:45:11,527 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:45:11,527 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:45:11,527 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:45:11,527 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:45:11,566 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:45:24,832 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM DUMP FOR [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg ] 2018-05-23 12:45:24,838 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Warewolf Administrators 2018-05-23 12:45:24,841 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 12:45:24,843 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - PERM -> Public 2018-05-23 12:45:24,852 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - IS USER IN IT [ False ] 2018-05-23 12:45:24,875 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - AUTH ERROR FOR USER : BISOFTCLN\edgarg 2018-05-23 12:45:32,856 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ PS_ProductosTodos ] 2018-05-23 12:45:32,885 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:45:32,885 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:45:32,892 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:45:32,892 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:45:32,892 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:45:32,892 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:45:33,036 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - About to execute web request [ 'PS_ProductosTodos' ] for User [ 'BISOFTCLN\edgarg' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ] 2018-05-23 12:45:33,036 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Request URL [ http://LAP-EDGARG:3142/secure/PS_ProductosTodos.XML?1 ] 2018-05-23 12:45:33,036 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Entered Wf Container 2018-05-23 12:45:33,036 INFO - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 12:45:33,053 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 12:45:33,067 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Getting Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 12:45:33,067 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:45:33,067 DEBUG - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Got Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 12:45:33,067 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager 2018-05-23 12:45:33,067 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 12:45:33,067 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 12:45:33,067 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Starting Execute 2018-05-23 12:45:33,080 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Debug Already Started 2018-05-23 12:45:34,437 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - SQL Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.CompleteXmlReader(SqlDataReader ds) en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.ReadForXml(Int32 update, Stopwatch startTime, SqlConnection connection) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 374 en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.SqlExecution(ErrorResultTO errors, Int32 update) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 274 2018-05-23 12:45:34,443 ERROR - [ en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.CompleteXmlReader(SqlDataReader ds) en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.ReadForXml(Int32 update, Stopwatch startTime, SqlConnection connection) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 374 en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.SqlExecution(ErrorResultTO errors, Int32 update) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 274] - SQL Error: 2018-05-23 12:45:34,448 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - DsfNativeActivity System.Exception: --[ Execution Exception ]-- Service Name = DsfActivity Error Message = SQL Error: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. --[ End Execution Exception ]-- 2018-05-23 12:45:34,531 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,607 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,666 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,705 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,739 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,779 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,840 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,881 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,883 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 12:45:34,917 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,949 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:34,984 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:35,030 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:35,081 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:35,118 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:35,156 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:35,190 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:45:35,192 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 12:45:35,192 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Executed first node 2018-05-23 12:45:35,226 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 12:45:35,300 ERROR - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Execution Result [ { "dbo_conTodoGenProductosCat02": []} ] 2018-05-23 12:45:35,304 INFO - [58334138-2522-48cc-8bf1-eb49562ccb54] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 12:45:35,306 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - SQL Error: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. 2018-05-23 12:45:35,308 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 12:45:42,068 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 66 Time Taken(Ms): 769284 Uptime: 03:35:13.1956710 2018-05-23 12:46:42,070 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 66 Time Taken(Ms): 769284 Uptime: 03:36:13.1976026 2018-05-23 12:47:42,088 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 66 Time Taken(Ms): 769284 Uptime: 03:37:13.2159270 2018-05-23 12:48:42,103 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 66 Time Taken(Ms): 769284 Uptime: 03:38:13.2302317 2018-05-23 12:49:42,107 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 66 Time Taken(Ms): 769284 Uptime: 03:39:13.2341404 2018-05-23 12:50:42,109 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Requests: 66 Time Taken(Ms): 769284 Uptime: 03:40:13.2362785 2018-05-23 12:51:08,020 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 12:51:08,035 DEBUG - [fcc6f308-76be-4412-ae94-386177a892d5] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:51:08,035 DEBUG - [fcc6f308-76be-4412-ae94-386177a892d5] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:51:08,035 DEBUG - [fcc6f308-76be-4412-ae94-386177a892d5] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:51:08,035 DEBUG - [fcc6f308-76be-4412-ae94-386177a892d5] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:51:08,035 DEBUG - [fcc6f308-76be-4412-ae94-386177a892d5] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:51:08,035 DEBUG - [fcc6f308-76be-4412-ae94-386177a892d5] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:51:08,046 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 12:51:08,048 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 12:51:08,103 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:51:08,103 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:51:08,103 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:51:08,103 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:51:08,140 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2018-05-23 12:51:08,196 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 12:51:08,226 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:51:08,226 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:51:08,226 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:51:08,226 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:51:08,282 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:51:40,509 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ PS_ProductosTodos ] 2018-05-23 12:51:40,553 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:51:40,553 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:51:40,553 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:51:40,591 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:51:40,591 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:51:40,591 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:51:40,771 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - About to execute web request [ 'PS_ProductosTodos' ] for User [ 'BISOFTCLN\edgarg' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ] 2018-05-23 12:51:40,771 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Request URL [ http://LAP-EDGARG:3142/secure/PS_ProductosTodos.XML?1 ] 2018-05-23 12:51:40,771 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Entered Wf Container 2018-05-23 12:51:40,771 INFO - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 12:51:40,773 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 12:51:40,835 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Getting Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 12:51:40,835 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:51:40,835 DEBUG - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Got Resource to Execute 2018-05-23 12:51:40,835 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager 2018-05-23 12:51:40,835 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 12:51:40,835 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager 2018-05-23 12:51:40,835 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Starting Execute 2018-05-23 12:51:40,836 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Debug Already Started 2018-05-23 12:51:40,942 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - SQL Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.CompleteXmlReader(SqlDataReader ds) en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.ReadForXml(Int32 update, Stopwatch startTime, SqlConnection connection) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 374 en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.SqlExecution(ErrorResultTO errors, Int32 update) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 274 2018-05-23 12:51:40,946 ERROR - [ en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.CompleteXmlReader(SqlDataReader ds) en System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.ReadForXml(Int32 update, Stopwatch startTime, SqlConnection connection) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 374 en Dev2.Services.Execution.DatabaseServiceExecution.SqlExecution(ErrorResultTO errors, Int32 update) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Services.Execution\DatabaseServiceExecution.cs:línea 274] - SQL Error: 2018-05-23 12:51:40,949 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - DsfNativeActivity System.Exception: --[ Execution Exception ]-- Service Name = DsfActivity Error Message = SQL Error: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. --[ End Execution Exception ]-- 2018-05-23 12:51:41,005 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,070 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,114 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,144 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,175 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,214 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,260 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,312 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,314 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 12:51:41,349 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,380 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,412 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,460 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,513 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,563 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,602 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,634 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.MapTreeModule.find[TValue,a](IComparer`1 comparer, TValue k, MapTree`2 m) en Warewolf.Storage.ExecutionEnvironment.GetLength(String recordSetName) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Warewolf.Storage\ExecutionEnvironment.cs:línea 178 en Dev2.Activities.DebugEvalResult..ctor(String inputVariable, String label, IExecutionEnvironment environment, Int32 update, Boolean isDataMerge, Boolean isCalculate, Boolean mockSelected) en E:\software\Warewolf\Warewolf-develop\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DebugEvalResult.cs:línea 59 2018-05-23 12:51:41,636 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:SQL Server Database 2018-05-23 12:51:41,636 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Executed first node 2018-05-23 12:51:41,665 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 12:51:41,792 ERROR - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Execution Result [ { "dbo_conTodoGenProductosCat02": []} ] 2018-05-23 12:51:41,797 INFO - [5220a563-cc5d-4f36-91ec-05f5954acd59] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'PS_ProductosTodos' Resource Id: '3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3' Mode: 'Debug' 2018-05-23 12:51:41,810 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - SQL Error: Comando no válido enviado a ExecuteXmlReader. El comando debe devolver un resultado Xml. 2018-05-23 12:51:41,813 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:PS_ProductosTodos 2018-05-23 12:51:42,123 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 68 Time Taken(Ms): 770753 Uptime: 03:41:13.2510083 2018-05-23 12:52:42,126 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 4 Number of Requests: 68 Time Taken(Ms): 770753 Uptime: 03:42:13.2535125 2018-05-23 12:53:31,097 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 12:53:31,178 DEBUG - [70691c95-a275-418e-b9e5-974c51fd2acf] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:53:31,178 DEBUG - [70691c95-a275-418e-b9e5-974c51fd2acf] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:53:31,179 DEBUG - [70691c95-a275-418e-b9e5-974c51fd2acf] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:53:31,179 DEBUG - [70691c95-a275-418e-b9e5-974c51fd2acf] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:53:31,179 DEBUG - [70691c95-a275-418e-b9e5-974c51fd2acf] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:53:31,179 DEBUG - [70691c95-a275-418e-b9e5-974c51fd2acf] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:53:31,181 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 12:53:31,182 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 12:53:31,212 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:53:31,212 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:53:31,212 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:53:31,212 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:53:31,270 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:53:42,128 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 6 Number of Requests: 69 Time Taken(Ms): 770845 Uptime: 03:43:13.2553339 2018-05-23 12:54:42,130 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 6 Number of Requests: 69 Time Taken(Ms): 770845 Uptime: 03:44:13.2578757 2018-05-23 12:55:42,132 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 6 Number of Requests: 69 Time Taken(Ms): 770845 Uptime: 03:45:13.2599081 2018-05-23 12:56:11,774 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ BISOFTCLN\edgarg : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ] 2018-05-23 12:56:11,786 DEBUG - [0129934b-7605-4a53-83cf-94045e5c052a] - Remote Invoke 2018-05-23 12:56:11,787 DEBUG - [0129934b-7605-4a53-83cf-94045e5c052a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment 2018-05-23 12:56:11,787 DEBUG - [0129934b-7605-4a53-83cf-94045e5c052a] - Creating Invoker 2018-05-23 12:56:11,787 DEBUG - [0129934b-7605-4a53-83cf-94045e5c052a] - Finding service 2018-05-23 12:56:11,787 DEBUG - [0129934b-7605-4a53-83cf-94045e5c052a] - Mapping Action Dependencies 2018-05-23 12:56:11,787 DEBUG - [0129934b-7605-4a53-83cf-94045e5c052a] - Getting container 2018-05-23 12:56:11,791 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service 2018-05-23 12:56:11,815 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"PS_ProductosTodos","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null} 2018-05-23 12:56:11,852 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:56:11,852 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:56:11,852 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:56:11,852 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:56:11,939 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 3fa61090-a321-4b55-9999-df3430e0e3a3 for workspace 6277cdf1-c779-4601-9366-e1b62832a6a5 2018-05-23 12:56:42,135 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] - Process Memory Usage(mb): 2 Number of Request