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GET web method issue

Anonim 8 lat temu w Studio Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Gandalf 8 lat temu 4


I am using your GET Web Method and the Accept header should be


but your method doesn’t like the ; which I believe is RFC 2616 in the HTTP 1.1 spec for parameters.

Any clues here?





Thanks Martin

We have resolved this issue and it will be deployed with v1.5 release

Z odpowiedzią

Hi Martin

What version are you running?

Can you send a screen shot please of how you have setup the tool.

There should be no need to separate the headers as per your example. Warewolf takes care of these for you, in the background. Simply put the Header item in the Header field and its corresponding Value in the Value field. Here is an example:


Thanks Martin

We have resolved this issue and it will be deployed with v1.5 release