Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Server Version :
Studio Version :
Email Address : No Email Provided
Steps to follow : No Steps Provided
at Dev2.Activities.GateActivity.GetHashCode() in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\GateActivity.cs:line 178
at System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1.GetHashCode(T obj)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at System.Activities.Core.Presentation.FlowchartDesigner.PrepareForDrop(IEnumerable`1 objects, Dictionary`2& objToNewFlowNodeMap, Dictionary`2& flowNodeNewModelItemMap, Dictionary`2& oldNewFlowNodeMap)
at System.Activities.Core.Presentation.FlowchartDesigner.DoFlowchartGridDrop(DragEventArgs e, AutoConnectDirections autoConnectDirection, Connector connectorToSplit)
at System.Activities.Core.Presentation.FlowchartDesigner.DoAutoConnect(DragEventArgs e, UIElement targetElement, AutoConnectDirections direction)
at System.Activities.Presentation.FreeFormEditing.AutoConnectAdorner.OnDrop(DragEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.UIElement.OnDropThunk(Object sender, DragEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.DragEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.OleDropTarget.RaiseDragEvent(RoutedEvent dragEvent, Int32 dragDropKeyStates, Int32& effects, DependencyObject target, Point targetPoint)
at System.Windows.OleDropTarget.MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleDropTarget.OleDrop(Object data, Int32 dragDropKeyStates, Int64 point, Int32& effects)
at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.DoDragDrop(IDataObject dataObject, IOleDropSource dropSource, Int32 allowedEffects, Int32[] finalEffect)
at System.Windows.OleServicesContext.OleDoDragDrop(IDataObject dataObject, IOleDropSource dropSource, Int32 allowedEffects, Int32[] finalEffect)
at System.Windows.DragDrop.OleDoDragDrop(DependencyObject dragSource, DataObject dataObject, DragDropEffects allowedEffects)
at System.Windows.DragDrop.DoDragDrop(DependencyObject dragSource, Object data, DragDropEffects allowedEffects)
at Warewolf.Studio.Views.ToolboxView.UIElement_OnMouseMove(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Warewolf.Studio.Views\ToolboxView.xaml.cs:line 36
at System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted)
at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()
at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input)
at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport)
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel)
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
Warewolf Studio log file :
Could not locate Warewolf Studio log file.
Warewolf Server log file :
2019-10-09 09:33:17,261 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider...
2019-10-09 09:33:17,276 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:24,057 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider...
2019-10-09 09:33:24,058 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:24,059 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC...
2019-10-09 09:33:24,128 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:24,129 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog...
2019-10-09 09:33:24,158 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:24,159 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace...
2019-10-09 09:33:24,190 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - WorkspaceRepository
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Attempting to deserialize an empty stream.
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream, HeaderHandler handler, Boolean fCheck, Boolean isCrossAppDomain, IMethodCallMessage methodCallMessage)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
at Dev2.Workspaces.WorkspaceRepository.ReadUserMap() in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Runtime.Services\Workspaces\WorkspaceRepository.cs:line 353
2019-10-09 09:33:24,223 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:24,224 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies...
2019-10-09 09:33:28,798 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:28,798 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache...
2019-10-09 09:33:28,799 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:28,799 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading test catalog...
2019-10-09 09:33:28,808 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:28,809 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading triggers catalog...
2019-10-09 09:33:28,809 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:28,812 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Registering usage tracker...
2019-10-09 09:33:28,813 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-09 09:33:30,028 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-09 09:33:30,029 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-09 09:33:30,053 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-09 09:33:30,053 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-09 09:33:30,054 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-09 09:33:30,054 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-09 09:33:30,054 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-09 09:33:30,134 INFO - [Warewolf Info] -
Web Server Started
2019-10-09 09:33:30,135 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at http://*:3142/
2019-10-09 09:33:30,135 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at https://*:3143/
2019-10-09 09:33:40,345 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ]
2019-10-09 09:33:40,387 DEBUG - [e15834d0-247c-477e-95e5-f212c532536e] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:33:40,388 DEBUG - [e15834d0-247c-477e-95e5-f212c532536e] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:33:40,407 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetServerVersion ]
2019-10-09 09:33:40,419 DEBUG - [11cb6900-f5b4-4c1d-a4a4-b604a4ec1f24] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:33:40,419 DEBUG - [11cb6900-f5b4-4c1d-a4a4-b604a4ec1f24] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:33:40,426 DEBUG - [11cb6900-f5b4-4c1d-a4a4-b604a4ec1f24] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:33:40,426 DEBUG - [e15834d0-247c-477e-95e5-f212c532536e] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:33:40,429 DEBUG - [e15834d0-247c-477e-95e5-f212c532536e] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:33:40,430 DEBUG - [e15834d0-247c-477e-95e5-f212c532536e] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:33:40,430 DEBUG - [e15834d0-247c-477e-95e5-f212c532536e] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:33:40,430 DEBUG - [11cb6900-f5b4-4c1d-a4a4-b604a4ec1f24] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:33:40,431 DEBUG - [11cb6900-f5b4-4c1d-a4a4-b604a4ec1f24] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:33:40,431 DEBUG - [11cb6900-f5b4-4c1d-a4a4-b604a4ec1f24] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:33:40,470 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindSourcesByType ]
2019-10-09 09:33:40,484 DEBUG - [3fb5a554-dba7-4f63-9bb2-e5ba44c4c3d4] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:33:40,484 DEBUG - [3fb5a554-dba7-4f63-9bb2-e5ba44c4c3d4] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:33:40,485 DEBUG - [3fb5a554-dba7-4f63-9bb2-e5ba44c4c3d4] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:33:40,485 DEBUG - [3fb5a554-dba7-4f63-9bb2-e5ba44c4c3d4] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:33:40,485 DEBUG - [3fb5a554-dba7-4f63-9bb2-e5ba44c4c3d4] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:33:40,485 DEBUG - [3fb5a554-dba7-4f63-9bb2-e5ba44c4c3d4] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:33:40,502 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Find Sources By Type. Dev2Server
2019-10-09 09:33:40,669 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-09 09:33:40,759 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchExplorerItemsService ]
2019-10-09 09:33:40,779 DEBUG - [44cf3bdb-8424-4fae-b8e6-4ae3d8492414] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:33:40,779 DEBUG - [44cf3bdb-8424-4fae-b8e6-4ae3d8492414] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:33:40,779 DEBUG - [44cf3bdb-8424-4fae-b8e6-4ae3d8492414] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:33:40,780 DEBUG - [44cf3bdb-8424-4fae-b8e6-4ae3d8492414] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:33:40,780 DEBUG - [44cf3bdb-8424-4fae-b8e6-4ae3d8492414] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:33:40,780 DEBUG - [44cf3bdb-8424-4fae-b8e6-4ae3d8492414] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:33:40,781 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ]
2019-10-09 09:33:40,793 DEBUG - [ebb3aecb-ad81-4bd1-948c-ddb70b57a4b1] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:33:40,793 DEBUG - [ebb3aecb-ad81-4bd1-948c-ddb70b57a4b1] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:33:40,793 DEBUG - [ebb3aecb-ad81-4bd1-948c-ddb70b57a4b1] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:33:40,793 DEBUG - [ebb3aecb-ad81-4bd1-948c-ddb70b57a4b1] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:33:40,793 DEBUG - [ebb3aecb-ad81-4bd1-948c-ddb70b57a4b1] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:33:40,794 DEBUG - [ebb3aecb-ad81-4bd1-948c-ddb70b57a4b1] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:33:40,795 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Explorer Items
2019-10-09 09:33:40,882 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-09 09:33:42,174 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchToolsService ]
2019-10-09 09:33:42,191 DEBUG - [17647587-a982-4d77-9c03-7f643d19b55e] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:33:42,191 DEBUG - [17647587-a982-4d77-9c03-7f643d19b55e] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:33:42,192 DEBUG - [17647587-a982-4d77-9c03-7f643d19b55e] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:33:42,192 DEBUG - [17647587-a982-4d77-9c03-7f643d19b55e] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:33:42,192 DEBUG - [17647587-a982-4d77-9c03-7f643d19b55e] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:33:42,192 DEBUG - [17647587-a982-4d77-9c03-7f643d19b55e] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:33:44,927 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDuplicates ]
2019-10-09 09:33:44,952 DEBUG - [aabac136-192a-4396-81bf-7eb6a97d574a] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:33:44,952 DEBUG - [aabac136-192a-4396-81bf-7eb6a97d574a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:33:44,952 DEBUG - [aabac136-192a-4396-81bf-7eb6a97d574a] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:33:44,952 DEBUG - [aabac136-192a-4396-81bf-7eb6a97d574a] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:33:44,952 DEBUG - [aabac136-192a-4396-81bf-7eb6a97d574a] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:33:44,953 DEBUG - [aabac136-192a-4396-81bf-7eb6a97d574a] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:33:45,164 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Duplicate ResourcesError
2019-10-09 09:33:56,282 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] -
Process Memory Usage(mb): 41
Number of Requests: 7
Time Taken(Ms): 2184
Uptime: 00:01:03.5177458
2019-10-09 09:34:25,490 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ]
2019-10-09 09:34:25,511 DEBUG - [c61c5fd2-f711-4037-8e02-eede52a51358] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:34:25,511 DEBUG - [c61c5fd2-f711-4037-8e02-eede52a51358] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:34:25,511 DEBUG - [c61c5fd2-f711-4037-8e02-eede52a51358] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:34:25,511 DEBUG - [c61c5fd2-f711-4037-8e02-eede52a51358] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:34:25,511 DEBUG - [c61c5fd2-f711-4037-8e02-eede52a51358] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:34:25,512 DEBUG - [c61c5fd2-f711-4037-8e02-eede52a51358] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:34:25,794 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-09 09:34:25,816 DEBUG - [c66d3b67-05cd-49bd-a9f9-357b12d6d2ba] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:34:25,816 DEBUG - [c66d3b67-05cd-49bd-a9f9-357b12d6d2ba] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:34:25,816 DEBUG - [c66d3b67-05cd-49bd-a9f9-357b12d6d2ba] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:34:25,816 DEBUG - [c66d3b67-05cd-49bd-a9f9-357b12d6d2ba] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:34:25,816 DEBUG - [c66d3b67-05cd-49bd-a9f9-357b12d6d2ba] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:34:25,817 DEBUG - [c66d3b67-05cd-49bd-a9f9-357b12d6d2ba] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:34:25,824 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1
2019-10-09 09:34:26,726 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-09 09:34:26,740 DEBUG - [01eec8ce-380f-426a-89ad-6deaf24db44f] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:34:26,740 DEBUG - [01eec8ce-380f-426a-89ad-6deaf24db44f] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:34:26,741 DEBUG - [01eec8ce-380f-426a-89ad-6deaf24db44f] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:34:26,741 DEBUG - [01eec8ce-380f-426a-89ad-6deaf24db44f] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:34:26,741 DEBUG - [01eec8ce-380f-426a-89ad-6deaf24db44f] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:34:26,741 DEBUG - [01eec8ce-380f-426a-89ad-6deaf24db44f] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:34:26,750 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-09 09:34:26,755 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-09 09:34:26,801 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:26,802 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:26,802 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:26,803 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:26,929 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:38,144 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-09 09:34:38,152 DEBUG - [493efe0d-d891-4268-8840-94e0185ef4cc] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:34:38,152 DEBUG - [493efe0d-d891-4268-8840-94e0185ef4cc] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:34:38,152 DEBUG - [493efe0d-d891-4268-8840-94e0185ef4cc] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:34:38,152 DEBUG - [493efe0d-d891-4268-8840-94e0185ef4cc] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:34:38,152 DEBUG - [493efe0d-d891-4268-8840-94e0185ef4cc] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:34:38,157 DEBUG - [493efe0d-d891-4268-8840-94e0185ef4cc] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:34:38,160 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-09 09:34:38,166 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-09 09:34:38,221 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:38,221 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:38,221 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:38,222 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:38,572 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-09 09:34:38,605 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-09 09:34:38,606 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:40,648 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ Hello World ]
2019-10-09 09:34:40,657 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:34:40,657 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:34:40,682 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:34:40,682 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:34:40,682 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:34:40,682 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:34:40,786 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - About to execute web request [ 'Hello World' ] for User [ 'PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ]
2019-10-09 09:34:40,786 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Request URL [ http://T004157:3142/secure/Hello World.XML? ]
2019-10-09 09:34:40,786 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Entered Wf Container
2019-10-09 09:34:40,786 INFO - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'Hello World' Resource Id: 'acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1' Mode: 'Debug'
2019-10-09 09:34:40,810 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:Hello World
2019-10-09 09:34:40,849 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Getting Resource to Execute
2019-10-09 09:34:40,849 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:34:40,934 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-09 09:34:40,964 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-09 09:34:40,965 DEBUG - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Got Resource to Execute
2019-10-09 09:34:41,198 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager
2019-10-09 09:34:41,198 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager
2019-10-09 09:34:41,198 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager
2019-10-09 09:34:41,231 ERROR - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - System.InvalidOperationException: The workflow must have at least one service or activity connected to the Start Node.
at Dev2.Runtime.ESB.Execution.WfExecutionContainer.AddExecutionToExecutionManager(IDSFDataObject dsfDataObject, IDev2Activity resource) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Runtime\ESB\Execution\WfExecutionContainer.cs:line 293
at Dev2.Runtime.ESB.Execution.WfExecutionContainer.EvalInner(IDSFDataObject dsfDataObject, IDev2Activity resource, Int32 update) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Runtime\ESB\Execution\WfExecutionContainer.cs:line 238
at Dev2.Runtime.ESB.Execution.WfExecutionContainer.Eval(Guid resourceId, IDSFDataObject dataObject) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Runtime\ESB\Execution\WfExecutionContainer.cs:line 366
at Dev2.Runtime.ESB.Execution.WfExecutionContainerBase.ExecuteWf() in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Runtime\ESB\Execution\WfExecutionContainer.cs:line 110
2019-10-09 09:34:41,279 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:Hello World
2019-10-09 09:34:41,413 ERROR - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Execution Result [ { "Message": null} ]
2019-10-09 09:34:41,415 INFO - [f664637e-9961-4478-991f-c7a79607d2c7] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'Hello World' Resource Id: 'acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1' Mode: 'Debug'
2019-10-09 09:34:41,417 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - The workflow must have at least one service or activity connected to the Start Node.
2019-10-09 09:34:41,418 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:Hello World
2019-10-09 09:34:56,283 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] -
Process Memory Usage(mb): 30
Number of Requests: 12
Time Taken(Ms): 3637
Uptime: 00:02:03.5188733
2019-10-09 09:35:56,283 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] -
Process Memory Usage(mb): 30
Number of Requests: 12
Time Taken(Ms): 3637
Uptime: 00:03:03.5191148
2019-10-09 09:36:27,854 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-09 09:36:27,862 DEBUG - [2643985e-a3e3-4211-a8c3-8a1c7d3d1dff] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-09 09:36:27,862 DEBUG - [2643985e-a3e3-4211-a8c3-8a1c7d3d1dff] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-09 09:36:27,862 DEBUG - [2643985e-a3e3-4211-a8c3-8a1c7d3d1dff] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-09 09:36:27,863 DEBUG - [2643985e-a3e3-4211-a8c3-8a1c7d3d1dff] - Finding service
2019-10-09 09:36:27,863 DEBUG - [2643985e-a3e3-4211-a8c3-8a1c7d3d1dff] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-09 09:36:27,863 DEBUG - [2643985e-a3e3-4211-a8c3-8a1c7d3d1dff] - Getting container
2019-10-09 09:36:27,864 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-09 09:36:27,865 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-09 09:36:27,922 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:36:27,923 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:36:27,923 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:36:27,923 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:36:28,009 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-09 09:36:28,043 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-09 09:36:28,045 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-09 09:36:33,836 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Exiting with exitcode 0
2019-10-15 15:57:09,737 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider...
2019-10-15 15:57:09,750 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:10,470 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider...
2019-10-15 15:57:10,471 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:10,471 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC...
2019-10-15 15:57:10,533 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:10,534 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog...
2019-10-15 15:57:10,562 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:10,562 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace...
2019-10-15 15:57:10,581 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:10,582 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies...
2019-10-15 15:57:14,137 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:14,137 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache...
2019-10-15 15:57:18,632 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:18,632 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading test catalog...
2019-10-15 15:57:18,639 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:18,639 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading triggers catalog...
2019-10-15 15:57:18,640 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:18,640 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Registering usage tracker...
2019-10-15 15:57:18,641 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-15 15:57:20,109 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-15 15:57:20,110 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-15 15:57:20,171 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-15 15:57:20,171 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-15 15:57:20,172 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-15 15:57:20,172 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-15 15:57:20,172 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-15 15:57:20,244 INFO - [Warewolf Info] -
Web Server Started
2019-10-15 15:57:20,245 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at http://*:3142/
2019-10-15 15:57:20,245 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at https://*:3143/
2019-10-17 11:27:07,708 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider...
2019-10-17 11:27:07,724 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:08,443 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider...
2019-10-17 11:27:08,443 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:08,444 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC...
2019-10-17 11:27:08,511 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:08,512 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog...
2019-10-17 11:27:08,543 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:08,544 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace...
2019-10-17 11:27:08,564 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:08,564 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies...
2019-10-17 11:27:12,099 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:12,100 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache...
2019-10-17 11:27:16,750 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:16,751 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading test catalog...
2019-10-17 11:27:16,755 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:16,755 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading triggers catalog...
2019-10-17 11:27:16,756 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:16,756 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Registering usage tracker...
2019-10-17 11:27:16,758 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-17 11:27:18,178 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-17 11:27:18,179 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-17 11:27:18,225 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-17 11:27:18,226 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-17 11:27:18,226 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-17 11:27:18,226 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-17 11:27:18,226 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-17 11:27:18,303 INFO - [Warewolf Info] -
Web Server Started
2019-10-17 11:27:18,303 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at http://*:3142/
2019-10-17 11:27:18,303 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at https://*:3143/
2019-10-21 08:19:25,430 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider...
2019-10-21 08:19:25,444 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:26,162 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider...
2019-10-21 08:19:26,162 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:26,163 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC...
2019-10-21 08:19:26,226 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:26,227 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog...
2019-10-21 08:19:26,255 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:26,256 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace...
2019-10-21 08:19:26,277 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:26,277 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies...
2019-10-21 08:19:29,830 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:29,830 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache...
2019-10-21 08:19:34,575 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:34,575 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading test catalog...
2019-10-21 08:19:34,580 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:34,581 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading triggers catalog...
2019-10-21 08:19:34,582 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 08:19:34,582 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Registering usage tracker...
2019-10-21 08:19:34,584 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:11,943 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider...
2019-10-21 12:52:11,960 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:12,206 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider...
2019-10-21 12:52:12,207 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:12,207 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC...
2019-10-21 12:52:12,255 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:12,256 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog...
2019-10-21 12:52:12,296 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:12,297 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace...
2019-10-21 12:52:12,312 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:12,313 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies...
2019-10-21 12:52:13,731 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:13,731 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache...
2019-10-21 12:52:18,695 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:18,695 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading test catalog...
2019-10-21 12:52:18,698 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:18,699 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading triggers catalog...
2019-10-21 12:52:18,699 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:18,700 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Registering usage tracker...
2019-10-21 12:52:18,701 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 12:52:20,261 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-21 12:52:20,263 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 12:52:20,319 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-21 12:52:20,319 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-21 12:52:20,320 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-21 12:52:20,320 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-21 12:52:20,320 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-21 12:52:20,398 INFO - [Warewolf Info] -
Web Server Started
2019-10-21 12:52:20,399 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at http://*:3142/
2019-10-21 12:52:20,399 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at https://*:3143/
2019-10-21 13:27:14,233 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider...
2019-10-21 13:27:14,247 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:14,456 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider...
2019-10-21 13:27:14,457 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:14,457 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC...
2019-10-21 13:27:14,507 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:14,508 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog...
2019-10-21 13:27:14,537 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:14,537 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace...
2019-10-21 13:27:14,548 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:14,548 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies...
2019-10-21 13:27:15,368 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:15,369 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache...
2019-10-21 13:27:19,790 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:19,791 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading test catalog...
2019-10-21 13:27:19,793 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:19,794 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading triggers catalog...
2019-10-21 13:27:19,794 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:19,795 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Registering usage tracker...
2019-10-21 13:27:19,796 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:27:21,130 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-21 13:27:21,131 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 13:27:21,175 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-21 13:27:21,175 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-21 13:27:21,176 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-21 13:27:21,176 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-21 13:27:21,176 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-21 13:27:21,248 INFO - [Warewolf Info] -
Web Server Started
2019-10-21 13:27:21,248 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at http://*:3142/
2019-10-21 13:27:21,248 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at https://*:3143/
2019-10-21 13:27:30,387 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ]
2019-10-21 13:27:30,436 DEBUG - [fec23eac-86b1-45a7-a549-449716fc71be] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:30,436 DEBUG - [fec23eac-86b1-45a7-a549-449716fc71be] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:30,461 DEBUG - [fec23eac-86b1-45a7-a549-449716fc71be] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:30,465 DEBUG - [fec23eac-86b1-45a7-a549-449716fc71be] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:30,466 DEBUG - [fec23eac-86b1-45a7-a549-449716fc71be] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:30,467 DEBUG - [fec23eac-86b1-45a7-a549-449716fc71be] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:30,484 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetServerVersion ]
2019-10-21 13:27:30,499 DEBUG - [0c1894ef-87c9-4f8c-adcd-d79aec067d04] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:30,499 DEBUG - [0c1894ef-87c9-4f8c-adcd-d79aec067d04] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:30,499 DEBUG - [0c1894ef-87c9-4f8c-adcd-d79aec067d04] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:30,500 DEBUG - [0c1894ef-87c9-4f8c-adcd-d79aec067d04] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:30,500 DEBUG - [0c1894ef-87c9-4f8c-adcd-d79aec067d04] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:30,500 DEBUG - [0c1894ef-87c9-4f8c-adcd-d79aec067d04] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:30,670 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindSourcesByType ]
2019-10-21 13:27:30,682 DEBUG - [6cd45156-92c2-4302-bcba-be2a45a861c9] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:30,682 DEBUG - [6cd45156-92c2-4302-bcba-be2a45a861c9] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:30,682 DEBUG - [6cd45156-92c2-4302-bcba-be2a45a861c9] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:30,682 DEBUG - [6cd45156-92c2-4302-bcba-be2a45a861c9] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:30,683 DEBUG - [6cd45156-92c2-4302-bcba-be2a45a861c9] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:30,683 DEBUG - [6cd45156-92c2-4302-bcba-be2a45a861c9] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:30,687 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 13:27:30,701 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Find Sources By Type. Dev2Server
2019-10-21 13:27:30,791 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchExplorerItemsService ]
2019-10-21 13:27:30,803 DEBUG - [ff6cb736-02a8-4a72-8ae7-b8a339b31a33] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:30,803 DEBUG - [ff6cb736-02a8-4a72-8ae7-b8a339b31a33] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:30,804 DEBUG - [ff6cb736-02a8-4a72-8ae7-b8a339b31a33] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:30,804 DEBUG - [ff6cb736-02a8-4a72-8ae7-b8a339b31a33] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:30,805 DEBUG - [ff6cb736-02a8-4a72-8ae7-b8a339b31a33] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:30,805 DEBUG - [ff6cb736-02a8-4a72-8ae7-b8a339b31a33] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:30,817 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ]
2019-10-21 13:27:30,819 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Explorer Items
2019-10-21 13:27:30,828 DEBUG - [b06720c9-c5ce-464d-9c6a-c96f1a5c9815] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:30,828 DEBUG - [b06720c9-c5ce-464d-9c6a-c96f1a5c9815] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:30,828 DEBUG - [b06720c9-c5ce-464d-9c6a-c96f1a5c9815] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:30,828 DEBUG - [b06720c9-c5ce-464d-9c6a-c96f1a5c9815] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:30,829 DEBUG - [b06720c9-c5ce-464d-9c6a-c96f1a5c9815] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:30,829 DEBUG - [b06720c9-c5ce-464d-9c6a-c96f1a5c9815] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:30,890 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ]
2019-10-21 13:27:30,898 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 13:27:30,961 DEBUG - [c0fd00c6-f63a-4db0-9f1d-9cacc69e8fcf] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:30,961 DEBUG - [c0fd00c6-f63a-4db0-9f1d-9cacc69e8fcf] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:30,961 DEBUG - [c0fd00c6-f63a-4db0-9f1d-9cacc69e8fcf] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:30,962 DEBUG - [c0fd00c6-f63a-4db0-9f1d-9cacc69e8fcf] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:30,962 DEBUG - [c0fd00c6-f63a-4db0-9f1d-9cacc69e8fcf] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:30,962 DEBUG - [c0fd00c6-f63a-4db0-9f1d-9cacc69e8fcf] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:31,080 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:27:31,087 DEBUG - [20e2f183-45f3-429c-b1d1-e121898cd115] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:31,087 DEBUG - [20e2f183-45f3-429c-b1d1-e121898cd115] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:31,088 DEBUG - [20e2f183-45f3-429c-b1d1-e121898cd115] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:31,088 DEBUG - [20e2f183-45f3-429c-b1d1-e121898cd115] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:31,088 DEBUG - [20e2f183-45f3-429c-b1d1-e121898cd115] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:31,088 DEBUG - [20e2f183-45f3-429c-b1d1-e121898cd115] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:31,095 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1
2019-10-21 13:27:34,316 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchToolsService ]
2019-10-21 13:27:34,322 DEBUG - [cb2fcb1e-eb5e-4093-a9f6-0d95bd129120] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:34,323 DEBUG - [cb2fcb1e-eb5e-4093-a9f6-0d95bd129120] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:34,323 DEBUG - [cb2fcb1e-eb5e-4093-a9f6-0d95bd129120] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:34,323 DEBUG - [cb2fcb1e-eb5e-4093-a9f6-0d95bd129120] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:34,323 DEBUG - [cb2fcb1e-eb5e-4093-a9f6-0d95bd129120] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:34,323 DEBUG - [cb2fcb1e-eb5e-4093-a9f6-0d95bd129120] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:37,136 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:27:37,147 DEBUG - [e8d86324-3a7a-4df6-8b08-150a8d6632b2] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:37,148 DEBUG - [e8d86324-3a7a-4df6-8b08-150a8d6632b2] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:37,148 DEBUG - [e8d86324-3a7a-4df6-8b08-150a8d6632b2] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:37,148 DEBUG - [e8d86324-3a7a-4df6-8b08-150a8d6632b2] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:37,148 DEBUG - [e8d86324-3a7a-4df6-8b08-150a8d6632b2] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:37,148 DEBUG - [e8d86324-3a7a-4df6-8b08-150a8d6632b2] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:37,157 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Find Resource. ResourceName: *
2019-10-21 13:27:38,412 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:27:38,419 DEBUG - [a87f1440-eef5-452d-bdf9-10551d541259] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:38,419 DEBUG - [a87f1440-eef5-452d-bdf9-10551d541259] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:38,419 DEBUG - [a87f1440-eef5-452d-bdf9-10551d541259] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:38,419 DEBUG - [a87f1440-eef5-452d-bdf9-10551d541259] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:38,420 DEBUG - [a87f1440-eef5-452d-bdf9-10551d541259] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:38,420 DEBUG - [a87f1440-eef5-452d-bdf9-10551d541259] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:38,431 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:27:38,436 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:27:38,475 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:38,475 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:38,475 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:38,476 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:38,585 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:27:38,624 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:27:38,626 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:38,894 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:27:38,901 DEBUG - [0b187df8-07d1-499d-96cd-9f94ff2ae894] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:38,901 DEBUG - [0b187df8-07d1-499d-96cd-9f94ff2ae894] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:38,902 DEBUG - [0b187df8-07d1-499d-96cd-9f94ff2ae894] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:38,902 DEBUG - [0b187df8-07d1-499d-96cd-9f94ff2ae894] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:38,902 DEBUG - [0b187df8-07d1-499d-96cd-9f94ff2ae894] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:38,902 DEBUG - [0b187df8-07d1-499d-96cd-9f94ff2ae894] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:38,904 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:27:38,905 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:27:38,936 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:38,937 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:38,937 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:38,937 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:39,027 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:27:39,063 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:27:39,064 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:27:39,079 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDuplicates ]
2019-10-21 13:27:39,092 DEBUG - [29730af7-0352-4b51-a86e-1c56851a3a75] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:27:39,093 DEBUG - [29730af7-0352-4b51-a86e-1c56851a3a75] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:27:39,093 DEBUG - [29730af7-0352-4b51-a86e-1c56851a3a75] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:27:39,093 DEBUG - [29730af7-0352-4b51-a86e-1c56851a3a75] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:27:39,093 DEBUG - [29730af7-0352-4b51-a86e-1c56851a3a75] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:27:39,093 DEBUG - [29730af7-0352-4b51-a86e-1c56851a3a75] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:27:39,298 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Duplicate ResourcesError
2019-10-21 13:27:53,614 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] -
Process Memory Usage(mb): 41
Number of Requests: 12
Time Taken(Ms): 3523
Uptime: 00:01:03.0439003
2019-10-21 13:28:19,115 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:28:19,123 DEBUG - [e0b10f07-d972-48fb-a1d6-4a56ad50c37c] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:28:19,123 DEBUG - [e0b10f07-d972-48fb-a1d6-4a56ad50c37c] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:28:19,124 DEBUG - [e0b10f07-d972-48fb-a1d6-4a56ad50c37c] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:28:19,124 DEBUG - [e0b10f07-d972-48fb-a1d6-4a56ad50c37c] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:28:19,124 DEBUG - [e0b10f07-d972-48fb-a1d6-4a56ad50c37c] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:28:19,124 DEBUG - [e0b10f07-d972-48fb-a1d6-4a56ad50c37c] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:28:19,126 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:28:19,126 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:28:19,159 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:19,159 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:19,159 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:19,159 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:19,242 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:28:19,278 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:28:19,279 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:23,441 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:28:23,452 DEBUG - [0f0ffe79-25a4-4d93-9fb1-e24fbde8ba3e] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:28:23,452 DEBUG - [0f0ffe79-25a4-4d93-9fb1-e24fbde8ba3e] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:28:23,452 DEBUG - [0f0ffe79-25a4-4d93-9fb1-e24fbde8ba3e] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:28:23,452 DEBUG - [0f0ffe79-25a4-4d93-9fb1-e24fbde8ba3e] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:28:23,452 DEBUG - [0f0ffe79-25a4-4d93-9fb1-e24fbde8ba3e] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:28:23,453 DEBUG - [0f0ffe79-25a4-4d93-9fb1-e24fbde8ba3e] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:28:23,461 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:28:23,937 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:28:23,946 DEBUG - [013a337f-44ee-4412-b4ce-1ce5a10fe4e0] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:28:23,946 DEBUG - [013a337f-44ee-4412-b4ce-1ce5a10fe4e0] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:28:23,946 DEBUG - [013a337f-44ee-4412-b4ce-1ce5a10fe4e0] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:28:23,946 DEBUG - [013a337f-44ee-4412-b4ce-1ce5a10fe4e0] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:28:23,946 DEBUG - [013a337f-44ee-4412-b4ce-1ce5a10fe4e0] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:28:23,947 DEBUG - [013a337f-44ee-4412-b4ce-1ce5a10fe4e0] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:28:23,948 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:28:23,949 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:28:23,981 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:23,981 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:23,981 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:23,981 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:24,065 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:28:24,101 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:28:24,102 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:24,122 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:28:24,133 DEBUG - [bc3e3a80-8890-49df-9f76-4c045fbe1400] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:28:24,133 DEBUG - [bc3e3a80-8890-49df-9f76-4c045fbe1400] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:28:24,133 DEBUG - [bc3e3a80-8890-49df-9f76-4c045fbe1400] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:28:24,133 DEBUG - [bc3e3a80-8890-49df-9f76-4c045fbe1400] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:28:24,133 DEBUG - [bc3e3a80-8890-49df-9f76-4c045fbe1400] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:28:24,133 DEBUG - [bc3e3a80-8890-49df-9f76-4c045fbe1400] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:28:24,141 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:28:24,141 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:28:24,149 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:24,149 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:24,149 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:24,149 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:24,163 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:53,617 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] -
Process Memory Usage(mb): 47
Number of Requests: 16
Time Taken(Ms): 3871
Uptime: 00:02:03.0468381
2019-10-21 13:28:55,568 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetVersions ]
2019-10-21 13:28:55,582 DEBUG - [8b839d4c-7498-4def-881d-e4ee9d1eb2eb] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:28:55,582 DEBUG - [8b839d4c-7498-4def-881d-e4ee9d1eb2eb] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:28:55,582 DEBUG - [8b839d4c-7498-4def-881d-e4ee9d1eb2eb] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:28:55,582 DEBUG - [8b839d4c-7498-4def-881d-e4ee9d1eb2eb] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:28:55,582 DEBUG - [8b839d4c-7498-4def-881d-e4ee9d1eb2eb] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:28:55,582 DEBUG - [8b839d4c-7498-4def-881d-e4ee9d1eb2eb] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:28:55,593 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Get Versions. 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:28:57,602 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:28:57,609 DEBUG - [1f8a9e87-3aea-4121-a7cb-0c1677ddf500] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:28:57,610 DEBUG - [1f8a9e87-3aea-4121-a7cb-0c1677ddf500] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:28:57,610 DEBUG - [1f8a9e87-3aea-4121-a7cb-0c1677ddf500] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:28:57,610 DEBUG - [1f8a9e87-3aea-4121-a7cb-0c1677ddf500] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:28:57,610 DEBUG - [1f8a9e87-3aea-4121-a7cb-0c1677ddf500] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:28:57,610 DEBUG - [1f8a9e87-3aea-4121-a7cb-0c1677ddf500] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:28:57,616 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:28:57,617 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 1","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:28:57,658 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:57,658 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:57,659 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:57,659 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:57,680 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:58,072 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:28:58,072 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:28:58,072 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:28:58,073 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:28:58,073 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:28:58,073 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:28:58,328 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - About to execute web request [ 'Unassigned/Unsaved 1' ] for User [ 'PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ]
2019-10-21 13:28:58,328 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Request URL [ http://t004157:3142/secure/Unassigned/Unsaved 1.json?&wid=e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6 ]
2019-10-21 13:28:58,328 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Entered Wf Container
2019-10-21 13:28:58,329 INFO - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'Unsaved 1' Resource Id: '784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa' Mode: 'Execute'
2019-10-21 13:28:58,347 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Getting Resource to Execute
2019-10-21 13:28:58,348 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Fetching Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:28:58,348 DEBUG - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Got Resource to Execute
2019-10-21 13:28:58,349 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager
2019-10-21 13:28:58,349 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager
2019-10-21 13:28:58,350 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager
2019-10-21 13:28:58,350 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Starting Execute
2019-10-21 13:28:58,414 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - OnExecute
System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
at Dev2.Activities.GateActivity.ExecuteTool(IDSFDataObject dataObject, Int32 update) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\GateActivity.cs:line 75
at Unlimited.Applications.BusinessDesignStudio.Activities.DsfNativeActivity`1.Execute(IDSFDataObject data, Int32 update) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DsfNativeActivity.cs:line 1005
2019-10-21 13:28:58,710 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Executed first node
2019-10-21 13:28:58,711 INFO - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'Unsaved 1' Resource Id: '784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa' Mode: 'Execute'
2019-10-21 13:28:58,713 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - The method or operation is not implemented.
2019-10-21 13:28:58,985 ERROR - [0410210e-a1cf-4c71-bd0e-ad699cc2be1f] - Execution Result [ {} ]
2019-10-21 13:29:17,296 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ Unassigned\Unsaved 1 ]
2019-10-21 13:29:17,305 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:29:17,305 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:29:17,316 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:29:17,316 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:29:17,316 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:29:17,317 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:29:17,420 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - About to execute web request [ 'Unassigned\Unsaved 1' ] for User [ 'PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube' : 'NTLM' : 'True' ] with DataObject Payload [ '' ]
2019-10-21 13:29:17,421 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Request URL [ http://T004157:3142/secure/Unassigned\Unsaved 1.XML? ]
2019-10-21 13:29:17,421 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Entered Wf Container
2019-10-21 13:29:17,421 INFO - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Started Execution for Service Name: 'Unsaved 1' Resource Id: '784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa' Mode: 'Debug'
2019-10-21 13:29:17,429 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:Unsaved 1
2019-10-21 13:29:17,441 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Getting Resource to Execute
2019-10-21 13:29:17,441 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Fetching Execution Plan for 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:29:17,442 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Got Resource to Execute
2019-10-21 13:29:17,442 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Got Execution Manager
2019-10-21 13:29:17,442 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution to Execution Manager
2019-10-21 13:29:17,442 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution to Execution Manager
2019-10-21 13:29:17,442 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Starting Execute
2019-10-21 13:29:17,468 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - OnExecute
System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
at Dev2.Activities.GateActivity.ExecuteTool(IDSFDataObject dataObject, Int32 update) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\GateActivity.cs:line 75
at Unlimited.Applications.BusinessDesignStudio.Activities.DsfNativeActivity`1.Execute(IDSFDataObject data, Int32 update) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\DsfNativeActivity.cs:line 1005
2019-10-21 13:29:17,470 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Executed first node
2019-10-21 13:29:17,471 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:Unsaved 1
2019-10-21 13:29:17,579 DEBUG - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Error getting execution result for :784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:29:17,579 INFO - [bb54d424-ad3b-4aac-96ed-ccea61788357] - Completed Execution for Service Name: 'Unsaved 1' Resource Id: '784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa' Mode: 'Debug'
2019-10-21 13:29:17,580 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - The method or operation is not implemented.
2019-10-21 13:29:17,581 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - EnvironmentID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Debug:Unsaved 1
2019-10-21 13:40:11,253 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider...
2019-10-21 13:40:11,268 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:11,487 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider...
2019-10-21 13:40:11,488 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:11,489 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC...
2019-10-21 13:40:11,531 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:11,532 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog...
2019-10-21 13:40:11,561 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:11,561 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace...
2019-10-21 13:40:11,572 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:11,573 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies...
2019-10-21 13:40:12,474 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:12,474 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache...
2019-10-21 13:40:55,152 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading security provider...
2019-10-21 13:40:55,166 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:55,367 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading settings provider...
2019-10-21 13:40:55,368 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:55,369 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Opening named pipe client stream for COM IPC...
2019-10-21 13:40:55,409 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:55,410 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource catalog...
2019-10-21 13:40:55,439 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:55,440 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading server workspace...
2019-10-21 13:40:55,450 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:55,451 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Preloading assemblies...
2019-10-21 13:40:56,289 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:40:56,290 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading resource activity cache...
2019-10-21 13:41:00,721 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:41:00,721 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading test catalog...
2019-10-21 13:41:00,724 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:41:00,724 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Loading triggers catalog...
2019-10-21 13:41:00,725 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:41:00,725 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Registering usage tracker...
2019-10-21 13:41:00,726 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - done.
2019-10-21 13:41:02,137 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-21 13:41:02,138 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 13:41:02,183 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-21 13:41:02,183 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsModified
2019-10-21 13:41:02,183 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-21 13:41:02,183 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRaisePermissionsChanged
2019-10-21 13:41:02,184 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - SecurityServiceRead
2019-10-21 13:41:02,255 INFO - [Warewolf Info] -
Web Server Started
2019-10-21 13:41:02,255 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at http://*:3142/
2019-10-21 13:41:02,255 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Web server listening at https://*:3143/
2019-10-21 13:41:05,107 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:05,107 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetServerVersion ]
2019-10-21 13:41:05,107 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindSourcesByType ]
2019-10-21 13:41:05,156 DEBUG - [ed6bd9cd-d189-45fa-9c55-264ce93594f2] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:05,156 DEBUG - [ed6bd9cd-d189-45fa-9c55-264ce93594f2] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:05,162 DEBUG - [9b5bb436-ec49-4c4c-9f8c-a1bdfc086160] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:05,163 DEBUG - [9b5bb436-ec49-4c4c-9f8c-a1bdfc086160] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:05,164 DEBUG - [7562b079-4ba6-435a-82fe-f9348b69d9ed] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:05,164 DEBUG - [7562b079-4ba6-435a-82fe-f9348b69d9ed] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:05,184 DEBUG - [7562b079-4ba6-435a-82fe-f9348b69d9ed] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:05,184 DEBUG - [ed6bd9cd-d189-45fa-9c55-264ce93594f2] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:05,184 DEBUG - [9b5bb436-ec49-4c4c-9f8c-a1bdfc086160] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:05,187 DEBUG - [9b5bb436-ec49-4c4c-9f8c-a1bdfc086160] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:05,187 DEBUG - [9b5bb436-ec49-4c4c-9f8c-a1bdfc086160] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:05,188 DEBUG - [7562b079-4ba6-435a-82fe-f9348b69d9ed] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:05,188 DEBUG - [7562b079-4ba6-435a-82fe-f9348b69d9ed] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:05,188 DEBUG - [7562b079-4ba6-435a-82fe-f9348b69d9ed] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:05,188 DEBUG - [ed6bd9cd-d189-45fa-9c55-264ce93594f2] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:05,188 DEBUG - [ed6bd9cd-d189-45fa-9c55-264ce93594f2] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:05,188 DEBUG - [ed6bd9cd-d189-45fa-9c55-264ce93594f2] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:05,188 DEBUG - [9b5bb436-ec49-4c4c-9f8c-a1bdfc086160] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:05,202 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Find Sources By Type. Dev2Server
2019-10-21 13:41:05,378 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchExplorerItemsService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:05,378 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ]
2019-10-21 13:41:05,421 DEBUG - [e9895be7-92a3-49cd-bbdf-6e3caef1417f] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:05,421 DEBUG - [e9895be7-92a3-49cd-bbdf-6e3caef1417f] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:05,422 DEBUG - [e9895be7-92a3-49cd-bbdf-6e3caef1417f] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:05,423 DEBUG - [e9895be7-92a3-49cd-bbdf-6e3caef1417f] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:05,423 DEBUG - [e9895be7-92a3-49cd-bbdf-6e3caef1417f] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:05,424 DEBUG - [e9895be7-92a3-49cd-bbdf-6e3caef1417f] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:05,434 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 13:41:05,447 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Explorer Items
2019-10-21 13:41:05,489 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:05,513 DEBUG - [bf90443f-6a47-4b15-9a92-79af275edfbc] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:05,513 DEBUG - [bf90443f-6a47-4b15-9a92-79af275edfbc] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:05,513 DEBUG - [b40e2e9f-69db-4c28-ad35-08aecfd1f7be] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:05,514 DEBUG - [b40e2e9f-69db-4c28-ad35-08aecfd1f7be] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:05,514 DEBUG - [bf90443f-6a47-4b15-9a92-79af275edfbc] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:05,514 DEBUG - [bf90443f-6a47-4b15-9a92-79af275edfbc] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:05,514 DEBUG - [bf90443f-6a47-4b15-9a92-79af275edfbc] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:05,514 DEBUG - [bf90443f-6a47-4b15-9a92-79af275edfbc] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:05,514 DEBUG - [b40e2e9f-69db-4c28-ad35-08aecfd1f7be] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:05,515 DEBUG - [b40e2e9f-69db-4c28-ad35-08aecfd1f7be] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:05,515 DEBUG - [b40e2e9f-69db-4c28-ad35-08aecfd1f7be] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:05,515 DEBUG - [b40e2e9f-69db-4c28-ad35-08aecfd1f7be] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:05,582 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 13:41:05,676 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:05,684 DEBUG - [806f9cb9-bd8e-4f38-9f8f-5955263e3ab6] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:05,684 DEBUG - [806f9cb9-bd8e-4f38-9f8f-5955263e3ab6] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:05,684 DEBUG - [806f9cb9-bd8e-4f38-9f8f-5955263e3ab6] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:05,685 DEBUG - [806f9cb9-bd8e-4f38-9f8f-5955263e3ab6] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:05,685 DEBUG - [806f9cb9-bd8e-4f38-9f8f-5955263e3ab6] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:05,685 DEBUG - [806f9cb9-bd8e-4f38-9f8f-5955263e3ab6] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:05,691 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1
2019-10-21 13:41:06,543 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ]
2019-10-21 13:41:06,549 DEBUG - [b579e574-fb1a-42a2-98ef-93eb2df1a379] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:06,550 DEBUG - [b579e574-fb1a-42a2-98ef-93eb2df1a379] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:06,550 DEBUG - [b579e574-fb1a-42a2-98ef-93eb2df1a379] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:06,550 DEBUG - [b579e574-fb1a-42a2-98ef-93eb2df1a379] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:06,550 DEBUG - [b579e574-fb1a-42a2-98ef-93eb2df1a379] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:06,550 DEBUG - [b579e574-fb1a-42a2-98ef-93eb2df1a379] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:06,585 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:06,592 DEBUG - [2042cca7-939e-4d82-b311-9e478c29ca04] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:06,592 DEBUG - [2042cca7-939e-4d82-b311-9e478c29ca04] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:06,592 DEBUG - [2042cca7-939e-4d82-b311-9e478c29ca04] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:06,592 DEBUG - [2042cca7-939e-4d82-b311-9e478c29ca04] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:06,593 DEBUG - [2042cca7-939e-4d82-b311-9e478c29ca04] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:06,593 DEBUG - [2042cca7-939e-4d82-b311-9e478c29ca04] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:06,598 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:41:08,131 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchToolsService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:08,138 DEBUG - [dd24e79b-dd38-45c3-8445-7ef1e6aeb67e] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:08,139 DEBUG - [dd24e79b-dd38-45c3-8445-7ef1e6aeb67e] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:08,139 DEBUG - [dd24e79b-dd38-45c3-8445-7ef1e6aeb67e] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:08,139 DEBUG - [dd24e79b-dd38-45c3-8445-7ef1e6aeb67e] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:08,139 DEBUG - [dd24e79b-dd38-45c3-8445-7ef1e6aeb67e] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:08,139 DEBUG - [dd24e79b-dd38-45c3-8445-7ef1e6aeb67e] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:10,680 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:10,691 DEBUG - [ba75188f-706c-4d1c-ac96-6219ffbfe337] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:10,691 DEBUG - [ba75188f-706c-4d1c-ac96-6219ffbfe337] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:10,692 DEBUG - [ba75188f-706c-4d1c-ac96-6219ffbfe337] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:10,692 DEBUG - [ba75188f-706c-4d1c-ac96-6219ffbfe337] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:10,692 DEBUG - [ba75188f-706c-4d1c-ac96-6219ffbfe337] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:10,692 DEBUG - [ba75188f-706c-4d1c-ac96-6219ffbfe337] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:10,702 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Find Resource. ResourceName: *
2019-10-21 13:41:11,975 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:11,982 DEBUG - [eccbee62-4b0a-4b71-b40d-3523f6a3e7d7] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:11,983 DEBUG - [eccbee62-4b0a-4b71-b40d-3523f6a3e7d7] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:11,983 DEBUG - [eccbee62-4b0a-4b71-b40d-3523f6a3e7d7] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:11,983 DEBUG - [eccbee62-4b0a-4b71-b40d-3523f6a3e7d7] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:11,983 DEBUG - [eccbee62-4b0a-4b71-b40d-3523f6a3e7d7] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:11,983 DEBUG - [eccbee62-4b0a-4b71-b40d-3523f6a3e7d7] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:11,992 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:41:11,998 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:41:12,037 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,037 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,038 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,038 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,249 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:41:12,286 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:41:12,288 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,303 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:12,314 DEBUG - [4b0e1f55-674b-4bbb-94d4-8521820b012c] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:12,314 DEBUG - [4b0e1f55-674b-4bbb-94d4-8521820b012c] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:12,314 DEBUG - [4b0e1f55-674b-4bbb-94d4-8521820b012c] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:12,314 DEBUG - [4b0e1f55-674b-4bbb-94d4-8521820b012c] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:12,314 DEBUG - [4b0e1f55-674b-4bbb-94d4-8521820b012c] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:12,315 DEBUG - [4b0e1f55-674b-4bbb-94d4-8521820b012c] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:12,315 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:41:12,326 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:12,333 DEBUG - [3183a309-6051-4413-b12d-3a1f2acaa032] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:12,333 DEBUG - [3183a309-6051-4413-b12d-3a1f2acaa032] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:12,333 DEBUG - [3183a309-6051-4413-b12d-3a1f2acaa032] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:12,333 DEBUG - [3183a309-6051-4413-b12d-3a1f2acaa032] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:12,334 DEBUG - [3183a309-6051-4413-b12d-3a1f2acaa032] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:12,334 DEBUG - [3183a309-6051-4413-b12d-3a1f2acaa032] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:12,404 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Root element is missing.
2019-10-21 13:41:12,666 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:12,675 DEBUG - [0d2b290e-17a4-4f05-a20c-2fb31b3e0634] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:12,675 DEBUG - [0d2b290e-17a4-4f05-a20c-2fb31b3e0634] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:12,675 DEBUG - [0d2b290e-17a4-4f05-a20c-2fb31b3e0634] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:12,675 DEBUG - [0d2b290e-17a4-4f05-a20c-2fb31b3e0634] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:12,675 DEBUG - [0d2b290e-17a4-4f05-a20c-2fb31b3e0634] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:12,675 DEBUG - [0d2b290e-17a4-4f05-a20c-2fb31b3e0634] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:12,677 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:41:12,678 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:41:12,710 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,710 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,710 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,710 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,793 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:41:12,830 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:41:12,831 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:12,845 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:12,857 DEBUG - [b05ebebd-a52f-4d27-aab6-25feb9167086] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:12,857 DEBUG - [b05ebebd-a52f-4d27-aab6-25feb9167086] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:12,857 DEBUG - [b05ebebd-a52f-4d27-aab6-25feb9167086] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:12,857 DEBUG - [b05ebebd-a52f-4d27-aab6-25feb9167086] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:12,857 DEBUG - [b05ebebd-a52f-4d27-aab6-25feb9167086] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:12,857 DEBUG - [b05ebebd-a52f-4d27-aab6-25feb9167086] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:12,858 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:41:12,870 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:12,877 DEBUG - [f017a42d-2755-4770-bf05-2d70ca61f004] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:12,877 DEBUG - [f017a42d-2755-4770-bf05-2d70ca61f004] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:12,877 DEBUG - [f017a42d-2755-4770-bf05-2d70ca61f004] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:12,877 DEBUG - [f017a42d-2755-4770-bf05-2d70ca61f004] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:12,877 DEBUG - [f017a42d-2755-4770-bf05-2d70ca61f004] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:12,878 DEBUG - [f017a42d-2755-4770-bf05-2d70ca61f004] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:12,939 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Root element is missing.
2019-10-21 13:41:12,962 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDuplicates ]
2019-10-21 13:41:12,974 DEBUG - [ed09df1f-bd43-4622-8d7b-929d5b450415] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:12,975 DEBUG - [ed09df1f-bd43-4622-8d7b-929d5b450415] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:12,975 DEBUG - [ed09df1f-bd43-4622-8d7b-929d5b450415] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:12,976 DEBUG - [ed09df1f-bd43-4622-8d7b-929d5b450415] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:12,976 DEBUG - [ed09df1f-bd43-4622-8d7b-929d5b450415] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:12,976 DEBUG - [ed09df1f-bd43-4622-8d7b-929d5b450415] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:13,174 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Duplicate ResourcesError
2019-10-21 13:41:19,474 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:19,482 DEBUG - [13073964-b16a-47af-af68-37536322c86a] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:19,482 DEBUG - [13073964-b16a-47af-af68-37536322c86a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:19,482 DEBUG - [13073964-b16a-47af-af68-37536322c86a] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:19,482 DEBUG - [13073964-b16a-47af-af68-37536322c86a] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:19,483 DEBUG - [13073964-b16a-47af-af68-37536322c86a] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:19,483 DEBUG - [13073964-b16a-47af-af68-37536322c86a] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:19,484 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:41:19,485 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:41:19,516 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:19,516 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:19,516 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:19,516 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:19,597 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:41:19,632 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:41:19,634 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:19,648 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:19,658 DEBUG - [335c388c-7730-4819-b4c6-0a7c43cc585a] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:19,658 DEBUG - [335c388c-7730-4819-b4c6-0a7c43cc585a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:19,658 DEBUG - [335c388c-7730-4819-b4c6-0a7c43cc585a] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:19,658 DEBUG - [335c388c-7730-4819-b4c6-0a7c43cc585a] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:19,658 DEBUG - [335c388c-7730-4819-b4c6-0a7c43cc585a] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:19,658 DEBUG - [335c388c-7730-4819-b4c6-0a7c43cc585a] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:19,659 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:41:19,671 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:19,678 DEBUG - [3c2738dc-25e7-4f70-a661-432aa45d9946] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:19,678 DEBUG - [3c2738dc-25e7-4f70-a661-432aa45d9946] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:19,679 DEBUG - [3c2738dc-25e7-4f70-a661-432aa45d9946] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:19,679 DEBUG - [3c2738dc-25e7-4f70-a661-432aa45d9946] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:19,679 DEBUG - [3c2738dc-25e7-4f70-a661-432aa45d9946] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:19,679 DEBUG - [3c2738dc-25e7-4f70-a661-432aa45d9946] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:19,739 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Root element is missing.
2019-10-21 13:41:39,593 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:39,604 DEBUG - [f47b2d5e-8921-49cb-a059-b493c235cb74] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:39,604 DEBUG - [f47b2d5e-8921-49cb-a059-b493c235cb74] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:39,605 DEBUG - [f47b2d5e-8921-49cb-a059-b493c235cb74] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:39,605 DEBUG - [f47b2d5e-8921-49cb-a059-b493c235cb74] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:39,605 DEBUG - [f47b2d5e-8921-49cb-a059-b493c235cb74] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:39,605 DEBUG - [f47b2d5e-8921-49cb-a059-b493c235cb74] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:39,614 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605
2019-10-21 13:41:40,073 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:40,080 DEBUG - [f9471d18-f3a3-44f6-acb9-db0a558f8d1c] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:40,080 DEBUG - [f9471d18-f3a3-44f6-acb9-db0a558f8d1c] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:40,080 DEBUG - [f9471d18-f3a3-44f6-acb9-db0a558f8d1c] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:40,080 DEBUG - [f9471d18-f3a3-44f6-acb9-db0a558f8d1c] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:40,080 DEBUG - [f9471d18-f3a3-44f6-acb9-db0a558f8d1c] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:40,080 DEBUG - [f9471d18-f3a3-44f6-acb9-db0a558f8d1c] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:40,082 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:41:40,083 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:41:40,114 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,114 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,114 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,114 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,197 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:41:40,231 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:41:40,233 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,246 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:40,274 DEBUG - [0c6f0827-1c4e-4fbb-a6ea-ee224b0ecb1d] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:40,274 DEBUG - [0c6f0827-1c4e-4fbb-a6ea-ee224b0ecb1d] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:40,274 DEBUG - [0c6f0827-1c4e-4fbb-a6ea-ee224b0ecb1d] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:40,274 DEBUG - [0c6f0827-1c4e-4fbb-a6ea-ee224b0ecb1d] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:40,275 DEBUG - [0c6f0827-1c4e-4fbb-a6ea-ee224b0ecb1d] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:40,275 DEBUG - [0c6f0827-1c4e-4fbb-a6ea-ee224b0ecb1d] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:40,275 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:41:40,295 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:40,305 DEBUG - [2bbcb9c0-b43f-483b-9aae-26933699d165] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:40,305 DEBUG - [2bbcb9c0-b43f-483b-9aae-26933699d165] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:40,305 DEBUG - [2bbcb9c0-b43f-483b-9aae-26933699d165] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:40,305 DEBUG - [2bbcb9c0-b43f-483b-9aae-26933699d165] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:40,305 DEBUG - [2bbcb9c0-b43f-483b-9aae-26933699d165] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:40,305 DEBUG - [2bbcb9c0-b43f-483b-9aae-26933699d165] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:40,364 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Root element is missing.
2019-10-21 13:41:40,384 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:41:40,391 DEBUG - [9efec085-0e39-4f24-af98-756eb40ab677] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:41:40,392 DEBUG - [9efec085-0e39-4f24-af98-756eb40ab677] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:41:40,392 DEBUG - [9efec085-0e39-4f24-af98-756eb40ab677] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:41:40,392 DEBUG - [9efec085-0e39-4f24-af98-756eb40ab677] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:41:40,392 DEBUG - [9efec085-0e39-4f24-af98-756eb40ab677] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:41:40,392 DEBUG - [9efec085-0e39-4f24-af98-756eb40ab677] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:41:40,405 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:41:40,406 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 2","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:41:40,413 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,413 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,413 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,414 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:40,423 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:41:52,668 INFO - [Warewolf System Data] -
Process Memory Usage(mb): 37
Number of Requests: 26
Time Taken(Ms): 4481
Uptime: 00:01:02.3600805
2019-10-21 13:42:19,750 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:19,763 DEBUG - [ad4981d3-95ef-4f5a-bbe8-0a0be6b075c9] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:19,763 DEBUG - [ad4981d3-95ef-4f5a-bbe8-0a0be6b075c9] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:19,764 DEBUG - [ad4981d3-95ef-4f5a-bbe8-0a0be6b075c9] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:19,764 DEBUG - [ad4981d3-95ef-4f5a-bbe8-0a0be6b075c9] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:19,764 DEBUG - [ad4981d3-95ef-4f5a-bbe8-0a0be6b075c9] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:19,764 DEBUG - [ad4981d3-95ef-4f5a-bbe8-0a0be6b075c9] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:19,831 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 13:42:20,052 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ GetServerVersion ]
2019-10-21 13:42:20,064 DEBUG - [10cc9410-43c4-41f2-a370-655b4f25d20b] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:20,064 DEBUG - [10cc9410-43c4-41f2-a370-655b4f25d20b] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:20,064 DEBUG - [10cc9410-43c4-41f2-a370-655b4f25d20b] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:20,064 DEBUG - [10cc9410-43c4-41f2-a370-655b4f25d20b] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:20,064 DEBUG - [10cc9410-43c4-41f2-a370-655b4f25d20b] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:20,064 DEBUG - [10cc9410-43c4-41f2-a370-655b4f25d20b] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:20,128 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindSourcesByType ]
2019-10-21 13:42:20,144 DEBUG - [fe4a7ee6-6d19-47af-995a-10f6790419c5] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:20,144 DEBUG - [fe4a7ee6-6d19-47af-995a-10f6790419c5] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:20,144 DEBUG - [fe4a7ee6-6d19-47af-995a-10f6790419c5] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:20,144 DEBUG - [fe4a7ee6-6d19-47af-995a-10f6790419c5] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:20,145 DEBUG - [fe4a7ee6-6d19-47af-995a-10f6790419c5] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:20,145 DEBUG - [fe4a7ee6-6d19-47af-995a-10f6790419c5] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:20,155 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Find Sources By Type. Dev2Server
2019-10-21 13:42:20,217 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchExplorerItemsService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:20,250 DEBUG - [6e1fc17c-a407-402e-9b81-987c71ab5021] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:20,251 DEBUG - [6e1fc17c-a407-402e-9b81-987c71ab5021] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:20,251 DEBUG - [6e1fc17c-a407-402e-9b81-987c71ab5021] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:20,251 DEBUG - [6e1fc17c-a407-402e-9b81-987c71ab5021] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:20,251 DEBUG - [6e1fc17c-a407-402e-9b81-987c71ab5021] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:20,251 DEBUG - [6e1fc17c-a407-402e-9b81-987c71ab5021] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:20,255 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SecurityReadService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:20,255 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ]
2019-10-21 13:42:20,268 DEBUG - [e0772c8c-d530-467e-9fca-fb059450e43e] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:20,268 DEBUG - [e0772c8c-d530-467e-9fca-fb059450e43e] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:20,269 DEBUG - [e0772c8c-d530-467e-9fca-fb059450e43e] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:20,269 DEBUG - [e0772c8c-d530-467e-9fca-fb059450e43e] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:20,269 DEBUG - [e0772c8c-d530-467e-9fca-fb059450e43e] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:20,269 DEBUG - [e0772c8c-d530-467e-9fca-fb059450e43e] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:20,288 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Explorer Items
2019-10-21 13:42:20,294 DEBUG - [82319e17-a1d2-458f-b07d-242e57b59c1a] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:20,295 DEBUG - [82319e17-a1d2-458f-b07d-242e57b59c1a] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:20,295 DEBUG - [82319e17-a1d2-458f-b07d-242e57b59c1a] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:20,295 DEBUG - [82319e17-a1d2-458f-b07d-242e57b59c1a] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:20,295 DEBUG - [82319e17-a1d2-458f-b07d-242e57b59c1a] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:20,295 DEBUG - [82319e17-a1d2-458f-b07d-242e57b59c1a] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:20,368 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Start Security Read
2019-10-21 13:42:20,444 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:20,451 DEBUG - [b6991315-198b-4288-8996-fe953531a3eb] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:20,452 DEBUG - [b6991315-198b-4288-8996-fe953531a3eb] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:20,452 DEBUG - [b6991315-198b-4288-8996-fe953531a3eb] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:20,452 DEBUG - [b6991315-198b-4288-8996-fe953531a3eb] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:20,452 DEBUG - [b6991315-198b-4288-8996-fe953531a3eb] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:20,452 DEBUG - [b6991315-198b-4288-8996-fe953531a3eb] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:20,453 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1
2019-10-21 13:42:21,220 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ]
2019-10-21 13:42:21,227 DEBUG - [07973678-9774-4446-8468-ead244da1b68] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:21,227 DEBUG - [07973678-9774-4446-8468-ead244da1b68] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:21,228 DEBUG - [07973678-9774-4446-8468-ead244da1b68] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:21,228 DEBUG - [07973678-9774-4446-8468-ead244da1b68] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:21,228 DEBUG - [07973678-9774-4446-8468-ead244da1b68] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:21,228 DEBUG - [07973678-9774-4446-8468-ead244da1b68] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:21,256 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:21,263 DEBUG - [7a0a4421-a53a-48d1-88da-60fab1520b86] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:21,263 DEBUG - [7a0a4421-a53a-48d1-88da-60fab1520b86] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:21,263 DEBUG - [7a0a4421-a53a-48d1-88da-60fab1520b86] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:21,264 DEBUG - [7a0a4421-a53a-48d1-88da-60fab1520b86] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:21,264 DEBUG - [7a0a4421-a53a-48d1-88da-60fab1520b86] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:21,264 DEBUG - [7a0a4421-a53a-48d1-88da-60fab1520b86] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:21,264 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:42:21,319 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourcesByID ]
2019-10-21 13:42:21,326 DEBUG - [6436c99e-8bbf-4b3a-b15e-3bbccfe027b1] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:21,326 DEBUG - [6436c99e-8bbf-4b3a-b15e-3bbccfe027b1] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:21,326 DEBUG - [6436c99e-8bbf-4b3a-b15e-3bbccfe027b1] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:21,326 DEBUG - [6436c99e-8bbf-4b3a-b15e-3bbccfe027b1] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:21,326 DEBUG - [6436c99e-8bbf-4b3a-b15e-3bbccfe027b1] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:21,327 DEBUG - [6436c99e-8bbf-4b3a-b15e-3bbccfe027b1] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:21,352 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:21,359 DEBUG - [1d620b7d-214a-49b3-8131-a71ced2205f2] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:21,359 DEBUG - [1d620b7d-214a-49b3-8131-a71ced2205f2] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:21,359 DEBUG - [1d620b7d-214a-49b3-8131-a71ced2205f2] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:21,360 DEBUG - [1d620b7d-214a-49b3-8131-a71ced2205f2] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:21,360 DEBUG - [1d620b7d-214a-49b3-8131-a71ced2205f2] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:21,360 DEBUG - [1d620b7d-214a-49b3-8131-a71ced2205f2] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:21,360 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605
2019-10-21 13:42:23,212 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchToolsService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:23,219 DEBUG - [6e2bd13c-020c-412e-9239-cfa2216f2f74] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:23,219 DEBUG - [6e2bd13c-020c-412e-9239-cfa2216f2f74] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:23,219 DEBUG - [6e2bd13c-020c-412e-9239-cfa2216f2f74] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:23,220 DEBUG - [6e2bd13c-020c-412e-9239-cfa2216f2f74] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:23,220 DEBUG - [6e2bd13c-020c-412e-9239-cfa2216f2f74] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:23,220 DEBUG - [6e2bd13c-020c-412e-9239-cfa2216f2f74] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:25,718 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FindResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:25,730 DEBUG - [642ec834-9abc-4a76-9b11-fcf3321a7cc4] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:25,730 DEBUG - [642ec834-9abc-4a76-9b11-fcf3321a7cc4] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:25,731 DEBUG - [642ec834-9abc-4a76-9b11-fcf3321a7cc4] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:25,731 DEBUG - [642ec834-9abc-4a76-9b11-fcf3321a7cc4] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:25,731 DEBUG - [642ec834-9abc-4a76-9b11-fcf3321a7cc4] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:25,731 DEBUG - [642ec834-9abc-4a76-9b11-fcf3321a7cc4] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:25,739 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Find Resource. ResourceName: *
2019-10-21 13:42:27,005 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,012 DEBUG - [3b4ea217-1376-4701-8aa6-45e5894924c7] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,012 DEBUG - [3b4ea217-1376-4701-8aa6-45e5894924c7] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,012 DEBUG - [3b4ea217-1376-4701-8aa6-45e5894924c7] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,012 DEBUG - [3b4ea217-1376-4701-8aa6-45e5894924c7] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,012 DEBUG - [3b4ea217-1376-4701-8aa6-45e5894924c7] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,012 DEBUG - [3b4ea217-1376-4701-8aa6-45e5894924c7] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:27,014 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,015 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:42:27,046 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,046 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,046 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,046 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,128 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:42:27,164 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:42:27,165 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,181 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,197 DEBUG - [1608fa9d-593e-4a62-82f9-6863f9e59f4c] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,197 DEBUG - [1608fa9d-593e-4a62-82f9-6863f9e59f4c] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,197 DEBUG - [1608fa9d-593e-4a62-82f9-6863f9e59f4c] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,197 DEBUG - [1608fa9d-593e-4a62-82f9-6863f9e59f4c] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,197 DEBUG - [1608fa9d-593e-4a62-82f9-6863f9e59f4c] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,198 DEBUG - [1608fa9d-593e-4a62-82f9-6863f9e59f4c] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:27,198 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:42:27,210 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,217 DEBUG - [f6b8411a-708d-4632-b89f-7e3b958a440b] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,217 DEBUG - [f6b8411a-708d-4632-b89f-7e3b958a440b] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,217 DEBUG - [f6b8411a-708d-4632-b89f-7e3b958a440b] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,217 DEBUG - [f6b8411a-708d-4632-b89f-7e3b958a440b] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,217 DEBUG - [f6b8411a-708d-4632-b89f-7e3b958a440b] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,217 DEBUG - [f6b8411a-708d-4632-b89f-7e3b958a440b] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:27,277 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Root element is missing.
2019-10-21 13:42:27,305 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,312 DEBUG - [7edbe98e-f605-4b93-b5d7-a987aaa38b8b] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,312 DEBUG - [7edbe98e-f605-4b93-b5d7-a987aaa38b8b] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,312 DEBUG - [7edbe98e-f605-4b93-b5d7-a987aaa38b8b] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,312 DEBUG - [7edbe98e-f605-4b93-b5d7-a987aaa38b8b] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,312 DEBUG - [7edbe98e-f605-4b93-b5d7-a987aaa38b8b] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,312 DEBUG - [7edbe98e-f605-4b93-b5d7-a987aaa38b8b] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:27,319 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,319 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 2","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:42:27,327 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,327 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,327 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,327 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,342 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,586 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,595 DEBUG - [7c271da7-c329-46df-b451-4a4738c41c27] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,595 DEBUG - [7c271da7-c329-46df-b451-4a4738c41c27] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,596 DEBUG - [7c271da7-c329-46df-b451-4a4738c41c27] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,596 DEBUG - [7c271da7-c329-46df-b451-4a4738c41c27] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,596 DEBUG - [7c271da7-c329-46df-b451-4a4738c41c27] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,596 DEBUG - [7c271da7-c329-46df-b451-4a4738c41c27] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:27,598 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,600 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:42:27,633 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,633 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,633 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,633 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,719 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:42:27,755 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:42:27,756 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,770 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,782 DEBUG - [65d0616f-8169-47c8-b323-0aa7756426fe] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,782 DEBUG - [65d0616f-8169-47c8-b323-0aa7756426fe] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,782 DEBUG - [65d0616f-8169-47c8-b323-0aa7756426fe] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,782 DEBUG - [65d0616f-8169-47c8-b323-0aa7756426fe] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,783 DEBUG - [65d0616f-8169-47c8-b323-0aa7756426fe] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,783 DEBUG - [65d0616f-8169-47c8-b323-0aa7756426fe] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:27,783 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:42:27,796 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,804 DEBUG - [ed0209d9-559e-4266-9309-ed98c1798d44] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,804 DEBUG - [ed0209d9-559e-4266-9309-ed98c1798d44] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,805 DEBUG - [ed0209d9-559e-4266-9309-ed98c1798d44] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,805 DEBUG - [ed0209d9-559e-4266-9309-ed98c1798d44] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,805 DEBUG - [ed0209d9-559e-4266-9309-ed98c1798d44] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,805 DEBUG - [ed0209d9-559e-4266-9309-ed98c1798d44] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:27,867 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Root element is missing.
2019-10-21 13:42:27,887 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,894 DEBUG - [bf0212cb-3226-4f6d-9532-f48f579dc805] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,895 DEBUG - [bf0212cb-3226-4f6d-9532-f48f579dc805] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,895 DEBUG - [bf0212cb-3226-4f6d-9532-f48f579dc805] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,895 DEBUG - [bf0212cb-3226-4f6d-9532-f48f579dc805] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,895 DEBUG - [bf0212cb-3226-4f6d-9532-f48f579dc805] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,895 DEBUG - [bf0212cb-3226-4f6d-9532-f48f579dc805] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:27,901 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,902 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 2","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:42:27,916 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,916 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,916 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,917 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,924 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:27,937 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDuplicates ]
2019-10-21 13:42:27,948 DEBUG - [33bc3579-b9c2-4103-b5a6-3c63d43d6deb] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:27,949 DEBUG - [33bc3579-b9c2-4103-b5a6-3c63d43d6deb] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:27,949 DEBUG - [33bc3579-b9c2-4103-b5a6-3c63d43d6deb] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:27,949 DEBUG - [33bc3579-b9c2-4103-b5a6-3c63d43d6deb] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:27,949 DEBUG - [33bc3579-b9c2-4103-b5a6-3c63d43d6deb] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:27,949 DEBUG - [33bc3579-b9c2-4103-b5a6-3c63d43d6deb] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:28,099 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Duplicate ResourcesError
2019-10-21 13:42:34,583 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:34,590 DEBUG - [c7d9ed40-4ff3-4f7a-9544-cdc9557caca7] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:34,590 DEBUG - [c7d9ed40-4ff3-4f7a-9544-cdc9557caca7] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:34,591 DEBUG - [c7d9ed40-4ff3-4f7a-9544-cdc9557caca7] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:34,591 DEBUG - [c7d9ed40-4ff3-4f7a-9544-cdc9557caca7] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:34,591 DEBUG - [c7d9ed40-4ff3-4f7a-9544-cdc9557caca7] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:34,591 DEBUG - [c7d9ed40-4ff3-4f7a-9544-cdc9557caca7] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:34,593 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:42:34,594 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:42:34,626 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,626 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,626 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,627 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,710 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:42:34,746 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:42:34,747 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,761 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:34,771 DEBUG - [34e870bc-0824-4a7b-8787-20b5981eedc2] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:34,771 DEBUG - [34e870bc-0824-4a7b-8787-20b5981eedc2] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:34,771 DEBUG - [34e870bc-0824-4a7b-8787-20b5981eedc2] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:34,771 DEBUG - [34e870bc-0824-4a7b-8787-20b5981eedc2] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:34,772 DEBUG - [34e870bc-0824-4a7b-8787-20b5981eedc2] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:34,772 DEBUG - [34e870bc-0824-4a7b-8787-20b5981eedc2] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:34,772 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:42:34,784 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:34,791 DEBUG - [54ee5c63-fdd8-4242-8acd-2a748d38af38] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:34,791 DEBUG - [54ee5c63-fdd8-4242-8acd-2a748d38af38] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:34,791 DEBUG - [54ee5c63-fdd8-4242-8acd-2a748d38af38] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:34,791 DEBUG - [54ee5c63-fdd8-4242-8acd-2a748d38af38] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:34,792 DEBUG - [54ee5c63-fdd8-4242-8acd-2a748d38af38] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:34,792 DEBUG - [54ee5c63-fdd8-4242-8acd-2a748d38af38] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:34,850 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Root element is missing.
2019-10-21 13:42:34,870 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:34,877 DEBUG - [03d38b6c-629e-45e9-9880-aca9262a84ff] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:34,877 DEBUG - [03d38b6c-629e-45e9-9880-aca9262a84ff] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:34,878 DEBUG - [03d38b6c-629e-45e9-9880-aca9262a84ff] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:34,878 DEBUG - [03d38b6c-629e-45e9-9880-aca9262a84ff] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:34,878 DEBUG - [03d38b6c-629e-45e9-9880-aca9262a84ff] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:34,878 DEBUG - [03d38b6c-629e-45e9-9880-aca9262a84ff] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:34,884 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:42:34,885 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 2","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:42:34,900 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,900 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,900 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,901 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:34,907 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,250 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:37,257 DEBUG - [93ff81e5-d8ad-44e0-8021-e5c15a6b4638] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:37,257 DEBUG - [93ff81e5-d8ad-44e0-8021-e5c15a6b4638] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:37,257 DEBUG - [93ff81e5-d8ad-44e0-8021-e5c15a6b4638] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:37,257 DEBUG - [93ff81e5-d8ad-44e0-8021-e5c15a6b4638] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:37,257 DEBUG - [93ff81e5-d8ad-44e0-8021-e5c15a6b4638] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:37,257 DEBUG - [93ff81e5-d8ad-44e0-8021-e5c15a6b4638] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:37,259 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:42:37,260 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Hello World","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:42:37,292 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,293 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,293 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,293 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,376 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
at System.Activities.WorkflowInspectionServices.d__3.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Dev2.Activities.ActivityParser.Parse(DynamicActivity dynamicActivity, List`1 seenActivities) in C:\Code\WarewolfBitBucket\warewolf\Dev\Dev2.Activities\Activities\ActivityParser.cs:line 200
2019-10-21 13:42:37,412 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Error processing acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'DynamicActivity': The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Flowchart 'Hello World' does not have a StartNode.
2019-10-21 13:42:37,413 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for acb75027-ddeb-47d7-814e-a54c37247ec1 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,427 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ FetchResourceDefinitionService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:37,437 DEBUG - [35c8746d-1cfb-4fe4-8019-3e92e7d7f8bf] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:37,437 DEBUG - [35c8746d-1cfb-4fe4-8019-3e92e7d7f8bf] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:37,438 DEBUG - [35c8746d-1cfb-4fe4-8019-3e92e7d7f8bf] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:37,438 DEBUG - [35c8746d-1cfb-4fe4-8019-3e92e7d7f8bf] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:37,438 DEBUG - [35c8746d-1cfb-4fe4-8019-3e92e7d7f8bf] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:37,438 DEBUG - [35c8746d-1cfb-4fe4-8019-3e92e7d7f8bf] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:37,438 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Fetch Resource definition. ResourceId: 784ecb09-c62c-4a1d-a4e2-4c58d86f2eaa
2019-10-21 13:42:37,451 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:37,458 DEBUG - [ae4bce66-3ffe-4016-96ca-4cf442897edb] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:37,458 DEBUG - [ae4bce66-3ffe-4016-96ca-4cf442897edb] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:37,458 DEBUG - [ae4bce66-3ffe-4016-96ca-4cf442897edb] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:37,458 DEBUG - [ae4bce66-3ffe-4016-96ca-4cf442897edb] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:37,458 DEBUG - [ae4bce66-3ffe-4016-96ca-4cf442897edb] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:37,459 DEBUG - [ae4bce66-3ffe-4016-96ca-4cf442897edb] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:37,518 ERROR - [Warewolf Error] - Root element is missing.
2019-10-21 13:42:37,539 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Execute Command Invoked For [ PREMIER\Siphamandla.Dube : NTLM : True ] For Service [ SaveResourceService ]
2019-10-21 13:42:37,546 DEBUG - [321ebe6e-5993-434a-8866-69059f719e2f] - Remote Invoke
2019-10-21 13:42:37,546 DEBUG - [321ebe6e-5993-434a-8866-69059f719e2f] - Mapping Inputs from Environment
2019-10-21 13:42:37,547 DEBUG - [321ebe6e-5993-434a-8866-69059f719e2f] - Creating Invoker
2019-10-21 13:42:37,547 DEBUG - [321ebe6e-5993-434a-8866-69059f719e2f] - Finding service
2019-10-21 13:42:37,547 DEBUG - [321ebe6e-5993-434a-8866-69059f719e2f] - Mapping Action Dependencies
2019-10-21 13:42:37,547 DEBUG - [321ebe6e-5993-434a-8866-69059f719e2f] - Getting container
2019-10-21 13:42:37,553 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource Service
2019-10-21 13:42:37,553 INFO - [Warewolf Info] - Save Resource.{"IsSource":false,"IsService":true,"IsFolder":false,"IsReservedService":false,"IsServer":false,"IsResourceVersion":false,"Version":null,"ResourceID":"b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605","ResourceType":"WorkflowService","ResourceName":"Unsaved 2","IsValid":false,"Errors":[],"ReloadActions":false,"UserPermissions":0,"VersionInfo":null}
2019-10-21 13:42:37,561 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removing Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,561 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Removed Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,561 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Adding Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,561 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Fetching Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
2019-10-21 13:42:37,568 DEBUG - [Warewolf Debug] - Added Execution Plan for b3ce3f9b-e26a-4cfa-b2e9-fe0099034605 for workspace e6e87cdf-0907-4162-a660-e580feb05ca6
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