
Email tool is always sending an email from "first email address" only, after change and test with "Second email address" while editing.

Murali Naidu 11 years ago in Studio updated by Gandalf 10 years ago 0
1.Create a Workflow
2.Bring email tool into workflow from Tool Box
3.Change the username (Email address one)
4.Enter Email password
5.Click on test connection (Connection is successfull)
6.save Email source
6.Run the workflow
Result - Observe Email is sending from (Email address one) which is correct
And next
1.Click on edit email source
2.Change the username (Email address two)
3.Enter the password
5.Click on test connection (Connection successfull)
6.Save the Email source
7.Run the work flow
Result - Observe Email is still sending from (Email address one) which is incorrect


Thanks, this should be fixed, plus we did the large view for the tool with a whole lot more functionality. Check out the latest version.
Thanks, this should be fixed, plus we did the large view for the tool with a whole lot more functionality. Check out the latest version.